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  • Wedin, M 1993: A phylogenetic analysis of the lichen family Sphaerophoraceae (Caliciales); a new generic classification and notes on character evolution. - Plant Systematics and Evolution 187: 213-241. [RLL List # 154 / Rec.# 20073]
    Abstract: 6 fig. 2 tab. [Includes a historical review of classification in the family, a detailed discussion of taxonomically useful characters for the group, and a cladistic analysis of relationships, which has resulted in recognition of three genera: Sphaerophorus (synonym: Thysanophoron), Bunodophoron (Synonyms: Pleurocybe, Pseudosphaerophorus), and Leifidium. New: Bunodophoron coomerense (Ohlsson in Tibell) comb. nov., B. diplotypum (Vain.) comb. nov., B. dodgei (Ohlsson in Wedin) comb. nov., B. flaccidum (Kantvilas & Wedin) comb. nov., B. formosanum (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., B. imshaugii (Ohlsson in D. J. Galloway) comb. nov., B. insigne (Laurer) comb. nov., B. kinabaluense (M. Satô) comb. nov., B. macrocarpum (Ohlsson in D. J. Galloway) comb. nov., B. madagascareum (Nyl. in Cromb.) comb. nov., B. microsporum (Ohlsson in D. J. Galloway) comb. nov., B. murrayi (Ohlsson in Tibell) comb. nov., B. notatum (Tibell) comb. nov., B. ohlssonii (Wedin) comb. nov., B. patagonicum (C. W. Dodge) comb.nov., B. ramuliferum (I. M. Lamb) comb. nov., B. scrobiculatum (C. Bab. in Hook. f.) comb. nov., B. tibellii (Wedin) comb. nov., B. whakapapaense (Wedin) comb. nov., Leifidium gen. nov., L. tenerum (Laurer) comb.nov.]
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