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  • Hale, ME", Jr 1975: A revision of the lichen genus Hypotrachyna (Parmeliaceae) in tropical America. - Smithsonian Contrib. Bot. 25: 1-73. [RLL List # 93-43 / Rec.# 7472]
    Abstract: 20 fig. [77 species; key. New: Hypotrachyna andensis sp. nov., H. bahiana (Nyl.) comb. nov., H. bogotensis (Vain.) comb. nov., H. boquetensis (Hale) comb. nov., H. brasiliana (Nyl.) comb. nov., H. brevirhiza (Kurok.) comb. nov., H. caraccensis (Tayl.) comb. nov., H. chicitae (Hale) comb. nov., H. chlorina (Mull. Arg.) comb. nov., H. consimilis (Vain.) comb. nov., H. contradicta (Hale) comb. nov., H. costaricensis (Nyl.) comb. nov., H. croceopustulata (Kurok.) comb. nov., H. dactylifera (Vain.) comb. nov., H. degelii (Hale) comb. nov., H. densirhizinata (Kurok.) comb. nov., H. dentella (Hale & Kurok.) comb. nov., H. ducalis (Jatta) comb. nov., H. eitenii (Hale) comb. nov., H. enderythrea (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., H. endochlora (Leight.) comb. nov., H. ensifolia (Kurok.) comb. nov., H. erythrodes (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., H. explendens (Hale) comb. nov., H. flavida (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., H. flavovirens (Kurok.) comb. nov., H. formosana (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., H. gigas (Kurok.) comb. nov., H. gondylophora (Hale) comb. nov., H. gracilescens (Vain.) comb. nov., H. imbricatula (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., H. immaculata (Kurok.) comb. nov., H. intercalanda (Vain.) comb. nov., H. isidiocera (Nyl.) comb. nov., H. koyaensis (Asah.) comb. nov., H. laevigata (Sm.) comb. nov., H. lineariloba (Kurok.) comb. nov., H. livida (Tayl.) comb. nov., H. lopezii sp. nov., H. malmei (Lynge) comb. nov., H. microblasta (Vain.) comb. nov., H. minima (Lynge) comb. nov., H. monilifera (Kurok.) comb. nov., H. neodissecta (Hale) comb. nov., H. novella (Vain.) comb. nov., H. obscurella (Vain.) comb. nov., H. oostingii (Dey) comb. nov., H. osorioi (Hale) comb. nov., H. osteoleuca (Nyl.) comb. nov., H. palmarum (Lynge) comb. nov., H. partita sp. nov., H. peruvianum (Nyl.) comb. nov., H. physcioides (Nyl.) comb. nov., H. physcodalica (Hale) comb. nov., H. pluriformis (Nyl.) comb. nov., H. producta sp. nov., H. prolongata (Kurok.) comb. nov., H. protenta sp. nov., H. protoboliviana (Hale) comb. nov., H. pseudosinuosa (Asah.) comb. nov., H. pulvinata (Fee) comb. nov., H. rachista (Hale) comb. nov., H. reducens (Nyl.) comb. nov., H. revoluta (Florke) comb. nov., H. rhabdiformis (Kurok.) comb. nov., H. rockii (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., H. silvatica (Lynge) comb. nov., H. singularis (Hale) comb. nov., H. sinuosa (Sm.) comb. nov., H. steyermarkii (Hale) comb. nov., H. subaffinis (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., H. sublaevigata (Nyl.) comb. nov., H. subphysodalica (Hale) comb. nov., H. subplumbeata (Dodge) comb. nov., H. subsaxatilis (B. de Lesd.) comb. nov., H. thysanota (Kurok.) comb. nov., H. velloziae (Vain.) comb. nov.]
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  • Krog, H/ Swinscow, TDV 1979: Parmelia subgenus Hypotrachyna in East Africa. - Norwegian Journal of Botany 26: 11-43. [RLL List # 104-58 / Rec.# 10487]
    Abstract: 18 figures. 2 tables. [Recognition of 34 species; key. New: Parmelia subgen. Hypotrachyna (Vain.) stat. nov., subgen. Cyclocheila (Vain.) stat. nov., Parmelia afrorevoluta sp. nov., P. polydactyla sp. nov. "Parmelia costaricensis Nyl. is considered synonymous with P. Hypotrachyna Nyl., Parmelia subplumbeata Dodge with P. ducalis Jatta, and Parmelia dissecta Nyl. with P. horrescens Tayl. Parmelia dissecta auct. non Nyl. is P. minarum Nyl. Parmelia meyeri Zahlbr. is regarded as a species distinct from P. sinuosa (Sm.) Ach."]
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  • Krog, H 1991: Lichenological observations in low montane rainforests of eastern Tanzania. - In: Galloway, DJ (ed.): Tropical Lichens: Their Systematics, Conservation, and Ecology. The Systematics Association Special Volume, Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 85-94. [RLL List #  / Rec.# 10534]
    Abstract: 2 fig. [New: Parmotrema fragilescens sp. nov., P. laciniatulum sp. nov. New to Africa: Erioderma leylandii and Relicina planiuscula. New to continental Africa: Menegazzia terebrata, Phyllopsora mauritiana, Stereocaulon fibrillosum. New to East Africa: Cladia aggregata, Hypotrachyna pseudosinuosa, Siphula decumbens.]
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  • Sipman, H.J.M. 1992: Results of a lichenological and bryological exploration of Cerro Guaiquinima (Guayana Highland, Venezuela). - Tropical Bryology 6: 1-31. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 958]
    Abstract: 214 Lichen and 38 bryophyte species are reported from Cerro Guaiquinima, a sandstone table mountain in southeastern Venezuela, thus far almost unexplored for these groups and apparently undisturbed by man. Slightly over half of these species have also been reported from the north slope of Mount Roraima and surroundings, a nearby area with similar edaphic and climatological conditions. Altitudinal differences in the flora are probably largely dependent on differences in vegetation structure: the closed froests at the foot harbour more Cladoniaceae and Trypetheliaceae are found. On the highest site bryophytes are more frequent. First descriptioins are given for nine lechens and one moss: Buellia bellardii Sipman, Hypotrachyna adaffinis Sipman, Myriotrema flavolucens Sipman, Myriotrama squamuloides Sipman, Ocellularia croceoisidiata Sipman, Ocellularia glaucoglyphica Sipman, Thelotrema caarneoradians Sipman, Thelotrema guaiquinimae Sipman, Sphagnum sipmanii Crum and Ocellularia sinuosa Sipman (in appendix, from Colombia). Myriotrema guianense is reduced to synonymy of Myriotrema columellatum (A. Zahlbr.) Sipman, comb. nov.
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  • Adler, M/ Calvelo, S 1993: New reports of Parmeliaceae s. str. (Lichenized Ascomycotina) from southwestern Argentina. - Mycotaxon 46: 105-127. [RLL List # 151 / Rec.# 120]
    Abstract: 2 fig. [Notes on fifteen species. New to Argentina: Cetrariastrum americanum, Hypotrachyna sinuosa, Parmelinopsis swinscowii.]
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  • Aptroot, A/ Diederich, P/ Sérusiaux, E/ Sipman, HJM 1997: Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi from New Guinea. - Bibliotheca Lichenologica, 64, J. Cramer, Berlin, Stuttgart. 220 pp. [RLL List # 167 / Rec.# 717]
    Abstract: 153 fig. 2 tab. [Provides an annotated list of 298 new or interesting taxa, mainly microlichens or lichenicolous fungi, of which 269 are new to the island. Six new genera and 89 new species are described. New: Agonimia pacifica (Harada) Diederich comb. nov., Anisomeridium anastomosans Aptroot sp. nov., A. subtruncatum Aptroot sp. nov., Anthracothecium australiense (Müll. Arg.) Aptroot comb. nov., Arthonia rimeliicola Diederich sp. nov. (on Rimelia reticulata), Badimia lucida Aptroot & Sérusiaux sp. nov., Biciliopsis leptogiicola Diederich gen. et sp. nov. (Chaetothyriales; on Leptogium spp.), Buellia analgifera Aptroot & Diederich sp. nov., B. hypothallina Aptroot sp. nov., B. lauricassiaeoides Aptroot sp. nov., B. manamiana Diederich sp. nov., B. submuriformis Aptroot & Diederich sp. nov., Buelliella dirinariae Diederich & Aptroot sp. nov. (on Dirinaria picta), Byssoloma arboricola Sérusiaux & Aptroot sp. nov., B. gahavisukanum Sérusiaux sp. nov., Calicium bullatum Aptroot & Tibell sp. nov., Calopadia vermiculifera (Vainio) Sérusiaux comb. nov., Capronia baeomycetis Diederich sp. nov. (on Baeomyces spp.), C. pseudonormandinae Diederich sp. nov. ("on the host of Lauderlindsaya simodense"), Carbonea intrusa (Th. Fr.) Rambold & Triebel comb. nov., Chiodecton epiphyllum Sérusiaux sp. nov., Conotrema lumbricoides Sipman sp. nov., Degelia minor Sipman & Aptroot sp. nov., Degelia sorediata Aptroot sp. nov., Echinoplaca incrustatociliata Sérusiaux sp. nov., E. streimannii Sérusiaux sp. nov., Encephalographa anthracothecii Diederich sp. nov. (on Anthracothecium australiense), Feltgeniomyces uniseptatus Diederich sp. nov. (on Hypotrachyna sinuosa), Hippocrepidea Sérusiaux gen. nov. (Gomphillaceae), H. nigra Sérusiaux sp. nov., Ionaspis tropica Aptroot sp. nov., Lepraria leprolomopsis Diederich & Sérusiaux sp. nov., L. nigrocincta Diederich, Sérusiaux & Aptroot sp. nov., Leptogium montis-wilhelmii sp. nov., Lichenochora gahavisukae Diederich sp. nov. (on sterile crust), Lichenopeltella bunodophoronis Diederich sp. nov. (on Bunodophoron), L. heterodermiae Diederich sp. nov. (on Heterodermia spp.), L. hypogymniae Diederich sp. nov. (on Hypogymnia zeylanica), L. Hypotrachynae Diederich sp. nov. (on Hypotrachyna sp.), L. leptogii Diederich sp. nov. (on Leptogium spp.), L. megalosporae Diederich sp. nov. (on Megalospora cf. halei), L. microspora Diederich sp. nov. (on Parmeliella sp.), L. pannariacearum Diederich sp. nov. (on Psoroma, Parmeliella, & on the parasite Tremella parmeliellae), L. physciae Diederich sp. nov. (on Physcia spp.), L. pseudocyphellariae Diederich sp. nov. (on Pseudocyphellaria spp.), L. ramalinae Etayo & Diederich sp. nov. (on Ramalina spp.), Mazosia conica Sérusiaux sp. nov., Megalotremis pustulata Aptroot sp. nov., Musaespora kassamensis Sérusiaux sp. nov., Nectriopsis coccocarpiae Diederich sp. nov. (on Coccocarpia spp.), N. collematis Diederich sp. nov. (on Collema sp.), N. leptogii Diederich sp. nov. (on Leptogium azureum), Opegrapha curvata Aptroot sp. nov., O. encephalographoidea Diederich & Aptroot sp. nov. (on Pyrenula sp.), O. mazosioides Sérusiaux sp. nov., O. plectocarpoidea Diederich sp. nov. (on Phaeographis sp.), Ornatopyrenis muriformis Aptroot sp. nov., Parapyrenis lichenicola Aptroot & Diederich sp. nov. (on Pertusaria?), Parmeliella endoferruginea Aptroot sp. nov., Phaeographopsis Sipman gen. nov. (Graphidaceae), P. indica (Patwardhan & Nagarkar) Sipman & Aptroot comb. nov., Phyllocratera Sérusiaux & Aptroot gen. nov. (Phyllobatheliaceae), Phyllocratera papuana Sérusiaux & Aptroot, Plectocarpon arthonioides Diederich sp. nov. (on Lobaria isidiophora), P. pseudocyphellariae Diederich sp. nov. (on Pseudocyphellaria gilva), Polycoccum montis-wilhelmii Diederich sp. nov. (on Hypotrachyna sinuosa), Porina dipterocarpi Aptroot sp. nov., Protoparmelia isidiata Diederich, Aptroot & Sérusiaux sp. nov., P. pulchra Diederich, Aptroot & Sérusiaux sp. nov., Pseudopyrenula papuana Aptroot sp. nov., Psoroma pannarioides Aptroot & Diederich sp. nov., Punctonora nigropulvinata Aptroot gen. et sp. nov. (Lecanoraceae), Pyrenula ciliata Aptroot sp. nov., P. gahavisukana Aptroot sp. nov., P. grossa Aptroot sp. nov., P. laureriformis Aptroot sp. nov., P. lineatostroma Aptroot sp. nov., P. media Aptroot sp. nov., P. montana Aptroot sp. nov., P. nitidula (Bresadola) R. C. Harris comb. nov., P. parvinuclea (Meyen & Flotow) Aptroot comb. nov., P. pyrenastrospora Aptroot sp. nov., P. pyrgillospora Aptroot sp. nov., P. quinqueseptata Aptroot sp. nov., Pyrrhospora aurantiaca Aptroot & Diederich sp. nov., Ramonia monospora Aptroot sp. nov., Rinodina albosorediata Aptroot, Diederich & Sérusiaux sp. nov., R. fuscocrystallina Aptroot sp. nov., Roselliniella africana Diederich sp. nov. (on Usnea, from Rwanda), R. papuana Diederich sp. nov. (on Usnea spp.), Sarcographa elmeri (Vainio) Sipman comb. nov., Sporopodium muscicola Lambley & Sérusiaux sp. nov., Strigula albomaculata Sérusiaux sp. nov., S. muriformis Aptroot & Diederich sp. nov., Thelopsis byssoidea Diederich sp. nov., Traponora asterella Aptroot gen. et sp. nov. (Lecanoraceae), Tricharia deslooveri Sérusiaux sp. nov., T. ramifera Sérusiaux sp. nov., T. verrucosa Sérusiaux sp. nov., Trichothelium croceum Sérusiaux sp. nov., Zwackhiomyces cladoniae (Dodge) Diederich comb. nov. Includes a key for eleven species of Anisomeridium and one for 24 species of Lichenopeltella.]
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  • Elix, JA/ Streimann, H 1999: Additional lichen records from Australia 41. Parmeliaceae. - Australasian Lichenology 45: 5-7. [RLL List # 176 / Rec.# 4992]
    Abstract: [New to Australia: Hypogymnia pseudobitteriana, Parmotrema crinitoides. New to mainland Australia: Hypotrachyna sinuosa.]
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  • Kurokawa, S/ Lai, M-jou 2001: Parmelioid lichen genera and species in Taiwan. - Mycotaxon 77: 225-284. [RLL List # 183 / Rec.# 22095]
    Abstract: [Treatment with keys and brief descriptions of 19 genera and 97 species. New to Taiwan: Bulbothrix tabacina, Canomaculina leucosemotheta, Canoparmelia texana, Hypotrachyna exsplendens, H. imbricatula, H. immaculata, H. kingii, H. pseudosinuosa, H. revoluta, H. sublaevigata, Imshaugia aleurites, Melanelia panniformis, Myelochroa denegans, M. xantholepis, Parmelia masonii, P. meiophora, P. praesquarrosa, Parmeliopsis ambigua, Parmotrema argentinum, P. chinense, P. corniculans, P. dilatatum, P. eurysacum, P. exquisitum, P. lobulascens, P. overeemii, P. permutatum, P. robustum, P. subrugatum, P. ultralucens, Punctelia borreri, P. rudecta, Rimelia clavulifera, Xanthoparmelia formosana.]
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  • Masson, D 2001: Hypotrachyna pseudosinuosa et Leptogium corticola, deux lichens nouveaux pour la France [Hypotrachyna pseudosinuosa and Leptogium corticola, two lichens new to France]. - Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux 29(3): 185-193. [RLL List # 185 / Rec.# 22548]
    Abstract: 4 fig. [New to Europe: Hypotrachyna pseudosinuosa. New to France: Leptogium corticola.]
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  • Divakar, PK/ Upreti, DK 2003: Additional notes and new records on the lichen genus Hypotrachyna (Parmeliaceae) from India. - Mycotaxon 86: 67-76. [RLL List # 192 / Rec.# 24713]
    Abstract: 5 fig. [Lists 37 species for India, and a provides a key. New to India: Hypotrachyna boquetensis, H. intercalanda, H. kingii, H. livida, H. sinuosa.]
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  • Yamamoto, Y/ Hara, K/ Komine, M/ Harada, H/ Yoshimura, I 2005: Materials for the study of distributions of lichenized fungi (11). Hypotrachyna pseudosinuosa. - Lichenology 4(1): 37-40. [RLL List # 200 / Rec.# 27612]
    Abstract: 4 fig. [In Japanese.]
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  • S. A. Rodrigues, J. A. Elix, J. V. Vingada, A. T. Alfonso and A. V. M. Soares 2007: The first records of Hypotrachyna lividescens and H. pseudosinuosa in the Iberian Peninsula. - Cryptogamie, Mycologie 28(2): 155-157. [RLL List # 208 / Rec.# 29415]
    Abstract: [Found in coastal Portugal.]
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  • Dolnik, C./ Abel, H./ de Bruyn, U./ van Dort, K./ Gnüchtel, A./ Neumann, P./ Stolley, G./ Zimmer, D. 2008: Lecanora zosterae und andere interessante Flechtenfunde aus Schleswig Holstein. - Kieler Notizen zur Pflanzenkunde 36: 9-23. [RLL List # 241 / Rec.# 37093]
    Abstract: We present records of threatened and other remarkable lichens that were found recently in Schleswig-Holstein (Northern Germany). Bacidia brandii, Bacidia delicata, Bacidia viridifarinosa, Caloplaca variabilis, Flavoparmelia soredians, Hypotrachyna afrorevoluta, Lecanora sinuosa, Lecanora subcarpinea, Lecanora zosterae, Micarea viridileprosa, Parmelina quercina, Placynthiella dasaea, Punctelia borreri and Toninia aromatica were recorded as new for the area. Other species, which were not included in the recent checklist of the area by JACOBSEN (1997) but were recorded by ERICHSEN (1957) are confirmed for the area: Calicium glaucellum, C. quercinum, Caloplaca phlogina, Enterographa hutchinsiae, Lecanora conferta and Lecanora horiza.
    Countries/Continents: Germany/Europe
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  • Ertz, D./ Diederich, P., van den Boom, P./ Sérusiaux, E. 2008: New or interesting lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France. XI. - Bulletin de la Société des Naturalistes Luxembourgeois 109: 35-51. [RLL List # 241 / Rec.# 36659]
    Abstract: Studies on large and mainly recent collections of lichens and lichenicolous fungi led to the addition of 21 taxa to the flora of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France: Absconditella trivialis, Arborillus llimonae, Arthrorhaphis muddii, Athelia salicum, Bacidia friesiana, B. pycnidiata, Belonia nidarosiensis, Cliostomum corrugatum, Collema fragile, Dactylospora athallina, Hypotrachyna afrorevoluta, Lecania chlorotiza, L. sordida, Lecidea promixta, Micarea lynceola, Polycoccum slaptoniense, Ramonia luteola, Sclerococcum griseisporodochium, Thelocarpon citrum, Unguiculariopsis lettaui and Verrucula helvetica. Another 15 additional taxa were found reported in recent publications: Burgoa angulosa, Fellhanera ochracea, Lecania belgica, Lecanora sinuosa, Lecidea grisella, Lepraria alpina, L. bergensis, L. neglecta, L. sylvicola, Lichenochora weillei, Microcalicium disseminatum, Minimedusa pubescens, Multiclavula vernalis, Phaeocalicium populneum and Polyblastia abscondita. Arthonia molendoi, Buelliella physciicola, Metamelanea caesiella, Pyrenochaeta xanthoriae, Roselliniopsis groedensis and Zwackhiomyces martinatianus are newly reported for Belgium, Zwackhiomyces lithoiceae for Luxembourg and Buelliella physciicola for northern France.
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  • Lumbsch, H. T./ T. Ahti/ S. Altermann/ G. Amo De Paz/ A. Aptroot/ U. Arup/ A. Bárcenas Peña/ P. A. Bawingan/ M. N. Benatti/ L. Betancourt/ C. R. Björk/ K. Boonpragob/ M. Brand/ F. Bungartz/ M. E. S. Cáceres/ M. Candan/ J. L. Chaves/ P. Clerc/ R. Common/ B. J. Coppins/ A. Crespo/ M. Dal-Forno/ P. K. Divakar/ M. V. Duya/ J. A. Elix/ A. Elvebakk/ J. D. Fankhauser/ E. Farkas/ L. Itatí Ferraro/ E. Fischer/ D. J. Galloway/ E. Gaya/ M. Giralt/ T. Goward/ M. Grube/ J. Hafellner/ J. E. Hernández M./ M. A. Herrera Campos/ K. Kalb/ I. Kärnefelt/ G. Kantvilas/ D. Killmann/ P. Kirika/ K. Knudsen/ H. Komposch/ S. Kondratyuk/ J. D. Lawrey/ A. Mangold/ M. P. Marcelli/ B. McCune/ M. I. Messuti/ A. Michlig/ R. Miranda González/ B. Moncada/ A. Naikatini/ M. P. Nelsen/ D. O. Øvstedal/ Z. Palice/ K. Papong/ S. Parnmen/ S. Pérez-Ortega/ C. Printzen/ V. J. Rico/ E. Rivas Plata/ J. Robayo/ D. Rosabal/ U. Ruprecht/ N. Salazar Allen/ L. Sancho/ L. Santos De Jesus/ T. Santos Vieira/ M. Schultz/ M. R. D. Seaward/ E. Sérusiaux/ I. Schmitt/ H. J. M. Sipman/ M. Sohrabi/ U. Søchting/ M. Z. Søgaard/ L. B. Sparrius/ A. Spielmann/ T. Spribille/ J. Sutjaritturakan/ A. Thammathaworn/ A. Thell/ G. Thor/ H. Thüs/ E. Timdal/ C. Truong/ R. Türk/ L. Umaña Tenorio/ D. K. Upreti/ P. van den Boom/ M. Vivas Rebuelta/ M. Wedin/ S. Will-Wolf/ V. Wirth/ N. Wirtz/ R. Yahr/ K. Yeshitela/ F. Ziemmeck/ T. Wheeler/ R. Lücking 2011: One hundred new species of lichenized fungi: a signature of undiscovered global diversity. - Phytotaxa 18: 1-127. [RLL List # 224 / Rec.# 33279]
    Notes: New species: Acarospora flavisparsa V.J.Rico & Candan, Acarospora janae K. Knudsen, Aderkomyces thailandicus Papong, Boonpragob & Lücking, Amandinea maritima Giralt, van den Boom & Elix, Ampliotrema cocosense Lücking & Chaves, Anomomorpha lecanorina Sipman, Anomomorpha tuberculata Lücking, Umaña & Will-Wolf, Aspicilia mansourii Sohrabi, Bacidina sorediata Seaward & Lücking, Badimia multiseptata Papong & Lücking, Badimia vezdana Lücking, Farkas & Wirth, Biatora epirotica Printzen & T.Sprib., Buellia sulphurica Bungartz & Aptroot, Bunodophoron pinnatum Wedin, Byssoloma spinulosum Sérus., Calopadia cinereopruinosa Bungartz & Lücking, Calopadia editae Vĕzda ex Chaves & Lücking, Caloplaca brownlieae S.Y.Kondr., Elix & Kärnefelt, Caloplaca decipioides Arup, Caloplaca digitaurea Søgaard, Søchting & Sancho, Caloplaca magnussoniana S.Y.Kondr., Kärnefelt & A.Thell, Caloplaca mereschkowskiana S.Y.Kondr. & Kärnefelt, Caloplaca yorkensis S.Y.Kondr. & Kärnefelt, Calvitimela uniseptata G.Thor, Chapsa microspora Kalb, Chapsa psoromica M.Cáceres, Santos de Jesus & Santos Vieira, Chapsa rubropulveracea Hale ex Mangold, Lücking & Lumbsch, Chapsa thallotrema Lücking & N.Salazar, Chiodecton pustuliferum Aptroot, Cladonia mongkolsukii Parnmen & Ahti, Clypeopyrenis porinoides Komposch, J.E.Hern. & Rosabal, Coccocarpia delicatula Bungartz, Ziemmeck & Lücking, Coenogonium flammeum L.I.Ferraro, Michlig & Lücking, Cresponea ancistrosporelloides Sparrius & Sipman, Crocynia microphyllina Aptroot, Dictyonema hernandezii Lücking, Lawrey & Dal-Forno, Dictyonema hirsutum Moncada & Lücking, Diorygma microsporum M.Cáceres & Lücking, Diorygma sticticum Sutjaritturakan, Kalb & Lücking, Echinoplaca pernambucensis Øvstedal & Elix, Echinoplaca schizidiifera J.E.Hern. & Lücking, Eremithallus marusae R.Miranda, Gaya & Lücking, Everniastrum constictovexans Sipman, Fellhanera borbonica Sérus., van den Boom & Brand, Fibrillithecis sprucei Mangold, Lücking & Lumbsch, Fissurina astroisidiata Herrera-Campos & Lücking, Fissurina nigrolabiata Rivas Plata, Bawingan & Lücking, Fissurina subcomparimuralis Common & Lücking, Graphis caribica Lücking, Graphis cerradensis Marcelli, Benatti & Lücking, Graphis itatiaiensis Nelsen, Lücking & Spielmann, Graphis marusae B.Peña & Lücking, Gyalideopsis chicaque Moncada & Lücking, Gyrotrema papillatum Lücking, Harpidium gavilaniae Amo, Pérez-Ortega & A. Crespo, Hypogymnia amplexa Goward, Björk & Wheeler, Hypotrachyna guatemalensis Elix & van den Boom, Hypotrachyna indica Divakar, Lumbsch, Upreti & A.Crespo, Hypotrachyna lueckingii Sipman, Hypotrachyna paracitrella Sipman & Palice, Hypotrachyna paraphyscioides Sipman, Hypotrachyna parasinuosa Sipman & Palice, Icmadophila eucalypti Kantvilas, Krogia microphylla Timdal, Lecanora mugaii Kirika, I.Schmitt, Fankhauser & Lumbsch, Lecanora printzenii Pérez-Ortega, Vivas & Hafellner, Lecanora xanthoplumosella Lumbsch & Elix, Lecidea lygommella Elix, Lecidella greenii U.Ruprecht & Türk, Lempholemma corticola M.Schultz & T.Sprib., Lepraria sekikaica Elix, Lobariella sipmanii Moncada, Betancourt & Lücking, Megalospora austropacifica Lumbsch, Naikatini & Lücking, Megalospora galapagoensis Bungartz, Ziemmeck & Lücking, Menegazzia endocrocea Kantvilas, Myriotrema endoflavescens Hale ex Lücking, Ocellularia albobullata Lücking, Sipman & Grube, Ocellularia vizcayensis Rivas Plata, Duya & Lücking, Ochrolechia insularis Kantvilas & Elix, Opegrapha viridipruinosa B.J.Coppins & R.Yahr, Pannaria phyllidiata Elvebakk, Parmelia asiatica A.Crespo & Divakar, Pertusaria conspersa Messuti, Phlyctis psoromica Elix & Kantvilas, Placopsis imshaugii D.J.Galloway, Platismatia wheeleri Goward, Altermann & Björk, Porina huainamdungensis Papong, Thammathaworn & Lücking, Ramalina hyrcana Sipman, Ramalina stoffersii Sipman, Relicina coloiana Elix & Sipman, Rhizocarpon diploschistidina McCune, Sagenidiopsis isidiata G.Thor, Elix, Lücking & Sipman, Sticta venosa Lücking, Moncada & Robayo, Tapellaria albomarginata Lücking, Thelotrema fijiense Lumbsch, Lücking & Naikatini, Tricharia nigriuncinata Yeshitela, Eb.Fischer, Killmann & Sérus., Usnea galapagona Truong & P.Clerc, Usnea pallidocarpa Wirtz & Lumbsch, Verrucaria rhizicola Aptroot & Thüs, and Xanthomendoza rosmarieae S.Y.Kondr. & Kärnefelt; new combinations: Fibrillithecis dehiscens (Leight.) Mangold, Lücking & Lumbsch, Lobariella botryoides (Yoshim. & Arv.) Moncada & Lücking, and Lobariella pallida (Hook.f.) Moncada & Lücking.
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  • Divakar, P. K./ A. Crespo/ J. Núñez-Zapata/ A. Flakus/ H. J. M. Sipman/ J. A. Elix/ H. T. Lumbsch 2013: A molecular perspective on generic concepts in the Hypotrachyna clade (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota). - Phytotaxa 132(1): 21-38. [RLL List # 232 / Rec.# 34945]
    Abstract: Recently, molecular phylogenetic studies have revolutionized the generic concepts in Parmeliaceae and in lichen forming fungi in general. In the present study, the generic delimitation in the Hypotrachyna clade is revised using a molecular phylogeny of nuclear ITS, LSU and mitochondrial SSU rDNA sequences of 88 hypotrachynoid taxa. Morphological and chemical features are also revised in each group. 118 sequences are newly generated for this study. Our phylogenetic analyses show the polyphyly of Hypotrachyna as currently circumscribed which falls into four well-supported and one unsupported clade. Cetrariastrum, Everniastrum and Parmelinopsis are nested within Hypotrachyna s. lat., Parmelinopsis being also polyphyletic and nested in one of the Hypotrachyna clades. Cetrariastrum is monophyletic but clustered within Everniastrum. Two alternative hypotheses tests significantly rejected the monophyly of these three genera. As a consequence, the genera Cetrariastrum, Everniastrum, and Parmelinopsis are reduced to synonymy with Hypotrachyna. Furthermore, we here propose an alternative classification to recognize the well-supported clades at subgeneric level and leave the remaining species unclassified within the genus. Five new subgenera are proposed: Hypotrachyna subgen. Cetrariastrum, Hypotrachyna subgen. Everniastrum, Hypotrachyna subgen. Longilobae, Hypotrachyna subgen. Parmelinopsis, and Hypotrachyna subgen. sinuosae. Forty-nine new combinations are proposed. © 2013 Magnolia Press.
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  • Gagarina, L.V. 2015: New lichen records from Abkhazian Experimental Research Forest Station (Abkhazia). - Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rastenii 49: 239-244. [RLL List # 241 / Rec.# 37033]
    Abstract: The list of species comprises 25 species reported for the first time for Abkhazian Experimental Research Forest Station. Eleven species are new to Abkhazia — Byssoloma leucoblepharum (Nyl.) Vain., Chrysothrix candelaris (L.) J. R. Laundon, Cladonia macilenta Hoffm., C. parasitica (Hoffm.) Hoffm., Hypotrachyna bahiana (Nyl.) Hale, H. pseudosinuosa (Asahina) Hale, Lecanora argentata (Ach.) Malme, L. chlarothera Nyl., Lecidea albohyalina (Nyl.) Th. Fr., Xanthoria polycarpa (Hoffm.) Th. Fr. and Usnea cornuta Körb. Substrates, collecting sites and herbaria are recorded for each species.
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  • Harada, H. 2016: Photo Gallery: Rhizines of Hypotrachyna pseudosinuosa dichotomously branched. - Newsletter from the Japenese Society for Lichenology 134: 502. [RLL List # 249 / Rec.# 39305]
    Countries/Continents: Japan/Asia
    Notes: In Japanese.
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  • Etayo, J. 2017: Lichenicolous fungi of Ecuador [Hongos liquenícolas de Ecuador]. - Opera Lilloana 50: 1-535. [RLL List # 254 / Rec.# 40566]
    Abstract: An annotated catalogue of the lichenicolous fungi collected by the author during two trips to Ecuador in 1999 and 2003 is presented. It is based on the examination of hundreds of samples, representing ca. 400 taxa, of which we have been able to identify 36 8 (incl. 16 lichenized fungi). Seven new genera are described: Chondronectria Etayo, Flakus & Kukwa, Cylindronectria Etayo, Leptobarya Etayo, Lichenopenicillus Etayo, Lichenotubeufia Etayo, Paragyalideopsis Etayo and Pygmaeosphaera Etayo & Diederich. The following 80 new taxa including two subspecies and two varieties are proposed: Abrothallus heterodermiicola Etayo & F. Berger on Heterodermia, A. niger Etayo on Everniastrum, and perhaps on Parmotrema and Usnea, Arthonia catillarioides Etayo on Sticta, A. heterodermiae Etayo on Heterodermia, Arthonia lobariellae Etayo on Lobariella, Arthrorhaphis phyllobaeis Etayo & Palice on Phyllobaeis, Capronia amylacea Etayo on Peltigera, C. muellerelloides Etayo on Heterodermia, C. solitaria Etayo on Heterodermia and perhaps on Lobaria, Lobariella and Sticta, Cercidospora hypotrachynicola Etayo on Hypotrachyna, Chondronectria eriodermaticola Etayo, Flakus & Kukwa on Erioderma, Clypeococcum amylaceum Etayo on Parmotrema, C. cajasense Etayo on Hypotrachyna, C. rugosisporum Etayo & Zhurb. on Parmotrema, Cornutispora ophiurospora Etayo on Lobariella, Cylindronectria cyanobactericola Etayo on epilichenic cyanobacteria, Dacampia pentaseptata Etayo on Parmotrema, Dactylospora heterodermiae Etayo on Heterodermia, Didymellopsis viridireagens Etayo on Leptogium, Didymocyrtis micropunctum Etayo on Parmotrema, Endococcus sipmanii Etayo on Heterodermia, Enterographa epigraphis Etayo & Sipman on Graphis, Fellhanera stictae Etayo on Sticta, Gyalideopsis usneicola Etayo on Usnea, Hainesia atrolazulina Etayo on Hypotrachyna, Hyalopeziza heterodermiae Etayo on Heterodermia, Leptobarya auranticarpa Etayo on Leptogium, L. nigra Etayo on Leptogium, Lettauia usneae Etayo on Usnea, Lichenochora bacidiispora Etayo on Parmotrema, L. chimaerica Etayo on Pertusaria, Lichenopeltella heterodermiicola ssp. endothallina Etayo on Heterodermia, L. thalamica Etayo, Flakus & Kukwa on Pseudocyphellaria, Lichenopenicillus versicolor Etayo on Sticta and Leptogium, Lichenotubeufia boomiana Etayo on Sticta, Lichenotubeufia tafallae Etayo on Leptogium, Llimoniella bergeriana Etayo on Punctelia, Ll. parmotrematis Etayo on Parmotrema, Micarea stereocaulorum Etayo & van den Boom on Stereocaulon, Nanostictis confusa Etayo on Everniastrum and Hypotrachyna, N. heterodermiae Etayo on Heterodermia, Nectriopsis albida Etayo on Sticta, N. curtiseta Etayo on Sticta, N. melongenoidea Etayo on Gomphillus, N. vinosa Etayo on Usnea, Nectriopsis vivida Etayo & Sipman on undetermined crustaceous lichen, Niesslia evae Etayo on Erioderma, N. sitctarum ssp. nuda Etayo on Lobariella, Opegrapha chapsae Etayo on Chapsa, O. lopezariae Etayo & Sipman on Lopezaria, O. stellanigra Etayo on Sticta, Paragyalideopsis breussii Etayo on Hypotrachyna, P. minuta Etayo on Trypethelium, Placidiopsis minor var. longispora Etayo & Breuss on Diploschistes, Plectocarpon aequatoriale Etayo on Sticta, Pronectria biglobosa Etayo on Hypotrachyna, P. pycnidioidea Etayo on Heterodermia, Protounguicularia usneae Etayo on Usnea, Pygmaeosphaera epigraphis Etayo on Graphis, P. sipmaniana Etayo on Parmeliella, Rhizocarpon tungurahuae Etayo & Palice on Gyalidea, Roselliniomyces erinaceus Etayo on Sticta, Sclerococcum phyllobaeis Etayo on Phyllobaeis, Skyttea recognita Etayo & Diederich on epiphytic crustaceous lichens, Skyttella stictae Etayo on Sticta, Sphaerellothecium episoralium Etayo on soralia of Heterodermia, S. usneicola Etayo on Usnea, Spirographa longispora Etayo on Sticta, Sporidesmium usneae Etayo on Usnea, Stigmidium ahtii Etayo & Palice on apothecia of Cladonia lopezii, S. epinesolechia Etayo on Nesolechia galls on Punctelia, S. hypotrachynicola Etayo on Hypotrachyna, Telogalla cajasense Etayo on Leptogium, Trichonectria apiculata Etayo on Usnea, Trichonectria intermedia Etayo on Parmotrema, Unguiculariopsis peltigericola Etayo on Peltigera, Xenonectriella coppinsiana Etayo on Yoshimuriella subdissecta, X. subimperspicua var. degenerans Etayo on Parmotrema, X. rugulatispora Etayo on Lobariella and X. vertebrata Etayo on Heterodermia. Furthermore 9 new combinations are proposed: Lichenotubeufia eriodermae (Etayo) Etayo, L. heterodermiae (Etayo) Etayo, L. pannariae (Etayo) Etayo, Paragyalideopsis floridae (Etayo & Diederich) Etayo, P. stereocaulicola (Etayo) Etayo, Protounguicularia hispidula (Etayo) Etayo, Pygmaeosphaera coccocarpiae (Diederich) Etayo & Diederich, Xenonectriella fissuriprodiens (Etayo) Etayo and X. subimperspicua (Speg.) Etayo. For many species a detailed description or a short diagnosis is given, together with discussion, host preferences, world-wide or South American distribution and autoecology based on own studies. For genera with newly described taxa, identification keys for the South American species, or sometimes for all known species are provided. A brief general introduction on lichenicolous fungi, with observations on vegetation, ecology and the relation between lichenicolous fungi and their hosts in Ecuador are given.
    Countries/Continents: Ecuador/South America
    Notes: In Spanish with English summary. New: Abrothallus heterodermiicola Etayo & F. Berger (on Heterodermia leucomelos from Ecuador, Heterodermia sp. from Tanzania), Abrothallus niger Etayo (on Everniastrum sp., Parmotrema sp. and Usnea sp. from Ecuador), Arthonia catillarioides Etayo (on Sticta weigelii and Sticta sp. from Ecuador), Arthonia heterodermiae Etayo (on Heterodermia comosa and H. leucomelos from Ecuador), Arthonia lobariellae Etayo (on Lobariella sp. from Colombia and L. pallida from Ecuador), Arthrorhaphis phyllobaeis Etayo & Palice (on Phyllobaeis imbricata from Ecuador), Capronia amylacea Etayo (on Erioderma divisum and Peltigera from Ecuador), Capronia muellerelloides Etayo & Sipman (on Heterodermia barbifera and H. comosa from Ecuador), Capronia solitaria Etayo (on Heterodermia sp., Lobaria pulmonaria, Rinodina sp. and Sticta sp., from Ecuador; maybe also on Lobariella subexornata, Peltigera sp. and Peltigera soredians), Cercidospora hypotrachynicola Etayo (on Hypotrachyna sp. from Colombia and Ecuador), Chondronectria Etayo, Flakus & Kukwa (type C. eriodermaticola), Chondronectria eriodermaticola Etayo, Flakus & Kukwa (on Erioderma cf. verruculosum from Bolivia, Erioderma sp. from Ecuador), Clypeococcum amylaceum Etayo (on Parmotrema reticulatum and Parmotrema sp. from Ecuador, and Parmotrema sp. from Bolivia), Clypeococcum cajasense Etayo (on Hypotrachyna sp. from Ecuador), Clypeococcum rugosisporum Etayo & Zhurb. (on Parmotrema reticulatum from Chile and Ecuador), Cornutispora ophiurospora Etayo (on Lobariella crenulata and L. pallida from Ecuador, on Lobariella sp. from Colombia), Cylindronectria Etayo (type C. cyanobactericola Etayo), Cylindronectria cyanobactericola Etayo (on cyanobacteria on Hypotrachyna sp. and Parmotrema reticulatum from Ecuador), Dacampia pentaseptata Etayo (on Parmotrema reticulatum from Ecuador), Dactylospora heterodermiae Etayo (on Heterodermia cf. isidiophora from Ecuador), Didymellopsis viridireagens Etayo (on Leptogium andinum, L. mandonii and L. cf. mandonii from Ecuador), Didymocyrtis micropunctum Etayo (on Parmotrema sp. from Ecuador, P. reticulatum from France), Endococcus sipmanii Etayo (on Heterodermia lamelligera from Ecuador), Enterographa epigraphis Etayo & Sipman (on Graphis sitiana from Ecuador), Fellhanera stictae Etayo (on Sticta cf. laciniata, S. laciniata, Stictia sp., Yoshimuriella subdissecta, from Ecuador; maybe also on Hypotrachyna sinuosa), Gyalideopsis usneicola Etayo (on Usnea sp. from Ecuador), Hainesia atrolazulina Etayo (on Hypotrachyna sp. from Colombia and Ecuador), Hyalopeziza heterodermiae Etayo (on Heterodermia leucomelos from Ecuador), Leptobarya Etayo (type L. nigra), Leptobarya aurantiicarpa Etayo (on Leptogium azureum, L. foveolatum and L. sp. from Ecuador), Leptobarya nigra Etayo (on Leptogium sp. from Ecuador), Lettauia usneae Etayo (on Usnea sp. from Ecuador), Lichenochora bacidiispora Etayo (on Parmotrema sp. from Ecuador), Lichenochora chimaerica Etayo (on Pertusaria sp. from Ecuador), Lichenopeltella heterodermiicola ssp. endothallina Eatyo (on Heterodermia sp. from Ecuador), Lichenopeltella thalamica Etayo, Flakus & Kukwa (on Pseudocyphellaria arvidssonii, P. aurata, P. clathrata from Ecuador, Pseudocyphellaria sp. from Peru), Lichenopenicillus Etayo (type L. versicolor), Lichenopenicillus versicolor Etayo (on Leptogium sp. and Sticta sp. from Ecuador), Lichenotubeufia Etayo (type L. eriodermae), Lichenotubeufia boomiana Etayo (on Sticta fuliginosa and Sticta sp. from Ecuador, and Sticta sp. from Guatemala), Lichenotubeufia tafallae Etayo (on Leptogium sp. from Ecuador), Llimoniella bergeriana Etayo (on Punctelia sp. from Ecuador and South Africa), Llimoniella parmotrematis Etayo (on Parmotrema sp. from Ecuador), Micarea stereocaulorum van den Boom & Etayo (on Stereocaulon sp. from Ecuador), Nanostictis confusa Etayo (on Everniastrum sp. from Ecuador, Hypotrachyna sp. from Colombia and Peru; maybe on Hypotrachyna sp. from Guatemala and H. sinuosa from Guatemala), Nanostictis heterodermiae Etayo & Sipman (on Heterodermia flabellata from Ecuador), Nectriopsis albida Etayo (on Sticta sp. from Ecuador), Nectriopsis curtiseta Etayo (on Lobariella crenulata, Sticta wiegelii, and Sticta sp. from Ecuador, Sticta weigelii from Guatemala, and S. cf. wiegelii from Peru), Nectriopsis melongenoidea, Etayo & Palice (on Gomphillus hyalinus from Ecuador), Nectriopsis vinosa Etayo (on Usnea sp. from Ecuador), Nectriopsis vivida Etayo & Sipman (on crustose lichen (Gomphillales) from Ecuador), Niesslia evae Etayo (on Erioderma sp. from Colombia, Erioderma granulosum and Erioderma sp. from Ecuador), Niesslia stictarum ssp. nuda Etayo (on Lobariella pallida from Ecuador), Opegrapha chapsae Etayo (on Chapsa sp. from Ecuador), Opegrapha lopezariae Etayo & Sipman (on Lopezaria versicolor from Ecuador and Panama), Opegrapha stellanigra Etayo (on Sticta cf. filix from Ecuador), Paragyalideopsis Etayo (type P. floridae), Paragyalideopsis floridae (Etayo & Diederich) Etayo (≡ Gyalideopsis floridae Etayo & Diederich). Paragyalideopsis breussii Etayo (on Hypotrachyna sp. from Colombia and Ecuador), Paragyalideopsis minuta Etayo (on Trypethelium annulare on Ecuador), Placidiopsis minor var. longispora Etayo & Breuss (on cf. Diploschistes sp. from Ecuador), Plectocarpon aequatoriale Etayo (on Sticta sp. from Ecuador), Pronectria biglobosa Etayo (on Hypotrachyna sp. from Ecuador), Pronectria pycnidioidea Etayo (on Heterodermia sp. from Ecuador), Protounguicularia usneae Etayo (on Usnea sp. from Ecuador), Pygmaeosphaera Etayo & Diederich (type P. coccocarpiae), Pygmaeosphaera coccocarpiae (Diederich) Etayo & Diederich (≡ Nectriopsis coccocarpiae Diederich), Pygmaeosphaera epigraphis Etayo & Sipman (on Graphis cf. angustata from Ecuador), Pygmaeosphaera sipmaniana Etayo (on Parmeliella delicata from Ecuador), Rhizocarpon tungurahuae Etayo & Palice (on cf. Gyalidea sp. from Ecuador), Roselliniomyces erinaceus Etayo (on Sticta sp. from Ecuador), Sclerococcum phyllobaeis Etayo (on Phyllobaeis sp. from Ecuador), Skyttea recognita Etayo & Diederich (on cf. Calopadia sp. and sterile lichen thalli, from Ecuador), Skyttella stictae Etayo (on Sticta sp. from Ecuador), Sphaerellothecium episoralium Etayo (on Heterodermia cf. japonica from Ecuador), Sphaerellothecium usneicola Etayo (on Usnea sp. from Ecuador), Spirographa longispora Etayo (on Sticta humboldtii from Ecuador), Sporidesmium usneae Etayo (on Usnea sp. from Ecuador), Stigmidium ahtii Etayo & Palice (on Cladonia lopezii from Ecuador), Stigmidium epinesolechia Etayo (on Nesolechia cf. oxyspora on Punctelia cf. rudecta and N. oxyspora on “black Parmeliaceae”, from Ecuador), Stigmidium hypotrachynicola Etayo (on Hypotrachyna densirhizinata and Hypotrachyna sp. from Ecuador), Telogalla cajasense Etayo (on Leptogium cf. mallotium from Ecuador), Trichonectria apiculata Etayo (on Usnea sp. from Ecuador), Trichonectria intermedia Etayo (on Everniastrum sp. and Parmotrema sp. from Ecuador), Unguiculariopsis peltigericola Etayo (on Peltigera from Ecuador), Xenonectriella coppinsiana Etayo (on Yoshimuriella subdissecta from Ecuador; maybe also on Peltigera laciniata, Peltigera sp., S. tomentosa, S. wiegelii and Stictia sp. from Ecuador), Xenonectriella rugulatispora Etayo (on Lobariella crenulata and L. pallida from Ecuador), Xenonectriella subimperspicua (Speg.) Etayo (≡ Nectria subimperspicua Speg.), Xenonectriella subimperspicua var. degenerans Etayo (on Parmotrema reticulatum from Ecuador), Xenonectriella vertebrata Etayo (on Heterodermia sp. from Dominican Republic, Heterodermia barbifera, H. leucomelos, H. vulgaris and Heterodermia sp. from Ecuador).
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  • Vicol, I. 2017: Red listed lichen species within old growth and young growth forests from Romania. - Romanian Journal of Biology, Plant Biology 62(2): 67-76. [RLL List # 257 / Rec.# 41100]
    Abstract: In the studied areas of a total of 19 red listed lichen species from Romania there were observed 4 red listed lichen species, for instant: Cetraria islandica (L.) Ach. (1803), Cetraria saepincola (Ehrh.) Ach. (1803), Hypotrachyna sinuosa(Sm.) Hale (1975), and Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm. (1796). The red listed lichen species were predominantly identified in mountainous areas within old growth forests well conserved,the most of them being protected areas. As regards young growth forests, only one red listedlichen species was found in a mixed forest represented in a great deal by ancient oaks from the Romanian Plain. In the field it was observed that red listed lichen species have been found especially on old trees, such as: oak and beech. In the lowland areas, within mixed forests represented especially by oaks Hypotrachyna sinuosa has been identified while within montane forests well represented by beech, fir and spruce the presence of L. pulmonaria has been observed. In addition to forest habitats, C. islandica and C. saepincola were found on mugo pine and common juniper in subalpine and alpine belts with undetectable anthropogenic pressure.
    Countries/Continents: Romania/Euope
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  • Kirika, P.M./ Divakar, P.M./ Crespo, A./ Lumbsch, H.T. 2019: Molecular and phenotypical studies on species diversity of Hypotrachyna (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) in Kenya, East Africa. - The Bryologist 122(1): 140-150. [RLL List # 257 / Rec.# 41433]
    Abstract: The delimitation of species boundaries of tropical lichen-forming fungi remains relatively poorly known. Recent studies demonstrated higher species diversity in tropical areas than previously assumed. Here we focus on the genus Hypotrachyna, which is a speciose group of parmelioid lichens with a center of distribution in tropical areas and on collections made over the last decade in Kenya. We gathered DNA sequences of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), large subunit (nuLSU) and mitochondrial small subunit (mtSSU) from 136 samples and analyzed them in phylogenetic frameworks. Morphological, chemical and ecological features were re-evaluated. We show that several species that were supposed to have wide, intercontinental distributions consist of separate lineages. Consequently, three new species are described from Kenya: H. kenyana, H. meridionalis, and H. nyandaruaensis. Furthermore, the separation of H. meyeri from H. sinuosa is supported by molecular data and we propose to use the name H. imbricatula for Neotropical samples and H. orientalis for Paleotropical specimens of H. imbricatula s.l. Our study supports the hypothesis that distributional ranges in parmelioid lichens are more restricted than previously assumed.
    – doi:10.1639/0007-2745-122.1.140

    Countries/Continents: Kenya/Africa
    Notes: New (from Kenya): Hypotrachyna kenyana Kirika, Divakar & Lumbsch, H. meridionalis Kirika, Divakar & Lumbsch, H. nyandaruaensis Kirika, Divakar & Lumbsch.
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  • Lamacraft, D.M. 2022: Lichen survey of Cae Gwyn, Bronaber, Meirionnydd. - Natural Resources Wales Evidence Report 620: 1-92. [RLL List # 275 / Rec.# 44583]
    Abstract: The aim of the survey was to form a baseline survey of the lichen assemblage - mainly but not exclusively - on trees at Cae Gwyn, specifically: • To inform the planned floodplain restoration along Afon Eden, where some trees will be cut, and the embankment reprofiled. • To search the wider NRW property of Cae Gwyn for lichens, prioritising the sparsely wooded area to the southeast of the site, but including all other potential lichen hotspots, and then the wider site as time limits allow. Tag where relevant, to allow future monitoring, and report as above. The site was surveyed on three days in March and April 2022. 158 taxa were recorded of which 39 are notable species, including: • 10 red-listed in Wales at NT or higher • 1 red-listed at the GB level at NT or higher • One Section 7 species and 1 Section 7 community • 8 International Responsibility species • 18 Southern Oceanic Woodland Index (SOWI) taxa, • 11 Upland Rainforest Index (URI) species Species recorded included: • Lobarina scrobiculata CR Wales, IR, S7 Lobarion • Opegrapha fumosa VU Wales, NS, IR • Sticta fuliginoides • Sticta fuliginosa s. str. • Arthonia vinosa NT Wales, S7 Lobarion, SOWI • Catinaria atropurpurea NT Wales, S7 Lobarion • Cetrelia cetrarioides / Cetrelia olivetorum s. lat. NT Wale • Hypotrachyna sinuosa NT Wales, IR • Parmeliella parvula NT Wales, IR, S7 Lobarion • Sticta limbata NT Wales, IR, S7 Lobarion • Sticta sylvatica NT Wales, IR, S7 Lobarion • Usnea florida NT GB, S7 • Phaeographis inusta NS This interest is mostly associated with the base-rich bark community (on ash, old oak, willow, rowan and hazel), the acid-bark community (on oak, birch and willow) and the smooth-bark communities (mostly on hazel, willow and rowan). The interest is indicative of sites with a long-standing ecological continuity i.e. continuity of woodland cover, and of well-lit conditions. The survey of trees in the floodplain restoration area did reveal some interest and trees were tagged accordingly, these are detailed in Appendix 2. Page 10 With reference to the relevant SSSI criteria the site scores 18 on the Southern Oceanic Woodland Index (SOWI), 11 on the Upland Rainforest Index (URI) and 3 on the Pinhead Index (PI). Whilst these fall short of the thresholds for consideration for SSSI notification (30, 15 and 10 respectively), the former two indices are supposed to be applied to sites of at least 100ha of woodland cover, so these scores for Cae Gwyn are impressive for such a small site. Management recommendations are made for the riverbank trees in the floodplain restoration area and for the wider site. These mostly focus on maintaining and expanding the well-lit open-grown tree habitats.
    Countries/Continents: Wales/United Kingdom/Europe
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  • Zhdanov, I.S. 2022: A revision of the lichen genus Hypotrachyna s. l. (Parmeliaceae) in Russia, with a key to the species. - Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 56(1): 125-140. [RLL List # 273 / Rec.# 44363]
    Abstract: The survey of eight Russian species of the genus Hypotrachyna is presented, including H. afrorevoluta, H. cirrhata, H. endochlora, H. koyaensis, H. laevigata, H. pseudosinuosa, H. revoluta, and H. sinuosa. Descriptions of the species, data on their ecology, distribution in Russia and in the world, and a key to species are provided.
    – doi:10.31111/nsnr/2022.56.1.125

    Countries/Continents: Russia/Europe/Asia
    Notes: Includes key to Hypotrachyna in Russia. In Russian with English abstract.
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    Number of hits shown/total: 23/23.
    Number of records in database: 53547.
    Current date: 2024.04.25.OK