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  • Szatala,Ö 1943: Lichenes. In: K. H. Rechinger, Neue Beiträge zur Flora von Kreta (Ergebnisse einer biologischen Forschungsreise nach dem Peloponnes und nach Kreta 1942, im Auftrage des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht und des Reichsforschungsrates, Nummer 6). - Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturwiss. Kl., 105, 2. Halbband, 1.Abt.: 27-47. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 228]
    Keywords: GREECE/ CRETE
    Abstract: list of lichens from Crete. New: Lecidea epipolioides (Steiner) Szatala, L. epipolioides var. cacuminum (Steiner) Szatala, Aspicilia contorta f. ochrocincta (Steiner) Szatala, Squamaria radiosa var. albopulverulenta (Bagl. & Car.) Szatala, Gasparrinia aurantia var. intermedia (Zahlbr.) Szatala, Xanthoria isidioidea (Beltr.) Szatala, Diplotomma alboatrum var. virescens Szatala,
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  • Dodge, CW 1973: Lichen Flora of the Antarctic Continent and Adjacent Islands. - Phoenix Publishing Co., Canaan, New Hampshire. xii + 389 pp. [RLL List # 88 / Rec.# 4461]
    Abstract: [Many genera and species; keys. New: Verrucaria simplei nom. nov. (for V. maura vain. non Wahlenb.), Sphaerophorus lacunosus (Tuck.) comb. nov., Lecidea brabantica nom. nov. (for L. subcongrua Vain. non Nyl.), Catocarpus gerlachei (Vain.) comb. nov., Cladina laevigata (Vain.) comb. nov., C. vicaria (Sant.) comb. nov., Cladonia propagulifera (Vain.) comb. nov., Agyrophora nana (Vain.) comb. nov., Omphalodiscus bakeri nom. nov. (for Umbilicaria rugosa Dodge & Baker non Hook.), O. eximius (Hue) comb. nov., O spongiosus var. subvirginis (Frey & Lamb) comb. nov., Biatorella chrysea (Dodge & Baker) comb. nov., Biatorelliopsis antarctica (Murray) comb. nov., B. cerbriformis (Dodge) comb. nov., Sarcogyne medusula sp. nov., Ochrolechia huei nom. nov. (for O. tartarea var. frigida Hue non (Sw.) Körb.), Lecanora leptacinodes (Vain.) comb. nov., Omphalodina aspidophora (Vain.) comb. nov., with fo. aterrima (Hue) comb. nov., O. charcotiana (Hue) comb. nov., O. daltoniana (Hook. f. & Tayl.) comb. nov., O. errabunda (Hue) comb. nov., O. exsulans (Th. Fr.) comb. nov., O. johnstonii (Dodge) comb. nov., O. leucomelaena (Hue) comb. nov., O. mcleanii (Dodge) comb. nov., O. priestleyi (Dodge) comb. nov., O. siplei (Dodge & Baker) comb. nov., Parmelia disseminata (Hue) comb. nov., P. fuscella (Hue) comb. nov., Usnea aurantiacoatra fo. egentissima (Lamb) comb. nov., U. subpolaris (Lamb.) comb. nov., U. substgrigulosa (Lamb) comb. nov., U. trachycarpoides (Vain.) comb. nov., Protoblastenia hallettensis (Murray) comb. nov., Huea austroshetlandica (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., Caloplaca mawsonii (Dodge) comb. nov., Gasparrinia gainii (Hue) comb. nov., Xanthoria siplei (Dodge & Baker) comb. nov., Polycaulonia antarctica (Vain.) comb. nov., P. prostrata (Hue) comb. nov., Buellia conspicua fo. cervinogranulata (Lamb) comb. nov., fo. incrassata (Lamb) comb. nov., fo. verrucosa (Lamb) comb. nov., B. filsonii nom. nov. (for B. aff. subpedicellata Fils. non B. subpedicellata (Hue) Darb.), B. gerlachei (Vain.) comb. nov., B. hypopoichila (Vain.) comb. nov., B. lambii nom. nov. (for B. punctata Lmab non Mass.), B. lutea sp. nov., B. racovitzae nom. nov. (for B. prothallina var. indissimilis Vain. non B. indissimilis B. de Lesd.) Diplotomma cremea (Hue) comb. nov. with fo. incrassata (Hue) comb. nov., D. granulosa (Darb.) comb. nov., D. nelsonii (Darb.) comb. nov., D. papillata (Sommerf.) comb. nov., D. siplei (Dodge & Baker) comb. nov., Diploicia actinobola (Hue) comb. nov., D. huei (Dodge) comb. nov., D. latemarginata (Darb.) comb. nov., D. llanoi (Dodge) comb. nov., D. stipiatat (Dodge) comb. nov., Redonia chilena sp. nov., R. cladocarpiza (Lamb) comb. nov., Rinodina floccosa (Dodge & Baker) comb. nov., Beltraminia babingtonii (Hook. f. & Tayl.) comb. nov., B. frigida (Darb.) comb. nov., B. molholmii (Dodge) comb. nov., B. petermannii (Hue) comb. nov., B. rudolphii (Dodge) comb. nov., B. stipitata (Dodge) comb. nov., Dirinaria autenboeri (Dodge) comb. nov., D. leoniae (Hue) comb. nov.]
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  • Vezda, A 1986: Neue Gattungen der Familie Lecideaceae s. lat. (Lichenes). - Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica 21: 199-219. [RLL List # 128-113 / Rec.# 19667]
    Abstract: 15 figures. 2 plates. [New taxonomy for primarily foliicolous species formerly in the genera Catillaria, Bacidia, and Lopadium. All of the new genera included in the family Ectolechiaceae produce special conidiomata called campylidia. "The campylidia can be classified, according to their conidia and their shape, into several distinct forms, each form characteristic for a particular genus. On this basis there is ample justification for considering that all the genera in which campylidia occur be incorporated into a single family, the Ectolechiaceae Zahlbr. em. Hafellner." New: Fellhanera gen. nov. (family Pilocarpaceae), F. aurantiaca (Vezda) comb. nov., F. bouteillei (Desm.) comb. nov., F. congesta (Vezda) comb. nov., F. carnea (Vezda) comb. nov., F. buxi (Vezda et Vivant) comb. nov., F. dominicana (Vain.) comb. nov., F. elliotii (Vain.) comb. nov., F. encephalarti (Vezda) comb. nov., F. fuscatula (Mull. Arg.) comb. nov., F. lisowskii (Vezda) comb. nov., F. microdiscus (Vain.) comb. nov., F. parvula (Vezda) comb. nov., F. rhapidophylli (Rehm.) comb. nov., F. semecarpi (Vain.) comb. nov., F. sorediantha (Vezda) comb. nov., F. paradoxa (Vezda) comb. nov., F. subternella (Nyl.) comb. nov., F. vandenberghenii (Ser.) comb. nov., F. wirthii (Vezda) comb. nov., Badimia gen. nov., B. dimidiata (Babingt. ex Leighton) comb. nov., B. elegans (Vain.) comb. nov., B. galbinea (Krempelh.) comb. nov., B. pallidula (Vain.) comb. nov., B. polillensis (Vain.) comb. nov., B. vieillardii (Mull. Arg.) comb. nov., Barubria gen. nov., B. fuscorubra (Vezda) comb. nov., Calopadia gen. nov., C. foliicola (Fee) comb. nov., C. fusca (Mull. Arg.) comb. nov., C. nymanii (R. Sant.) comb. nov., C. perpallida (Nyl.) comb. nov., C. phyllogena (Mull. Arg.) comb. nov., C. puiggarii (Mull. Arg.) comb. nov., Loflammia gen. nov., L. flammea (Mull. Arg.) comb. nov., L. gabrielis (Mull. Arg.) comb. nov., L. intermedia (R. Sant.) comb. nov., Logilvia gen. nov., L. gilva (Mull. Arg.) comb. nov. and Byssoloma subundulatum (Stirt.) comb. nov.]
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  • Motiejunaite, J/ Andersson, L 2003: Contribution to the Lithuanian flora of lichens and allied fungi [Papildomi duomenys apie Lietuvos kerpiu ir su jomis susijusiu grybu flora]. - Botanica Lithuanica 9(1): 71-88. [RLL List # 193 / Rec.# 25011]
    Abstract: [New to Lithuania: Absconditella lignicola, Bacidia biatorina, B. laurocerasi, Buellia pharcidia, Calicium adspersum, Caloplaca herbidella, Caloplaca obscurella, Chaenothecopsis savonica, Chalara lichenicola, Epicladonia stenospora, Fellhaneropsis myrtillicola, Gyalecta flotowii, Hypocyenomyce friesii, Lecanactis abietina, Lecidea botryosa, Leptorhaphis epidermidis, Lopadium disciforme, Marchandiomyces aurantiacus, Microcalicium disseminatum, Mycoblastus sanguinarius, Peltigera leucophlebia, Phaeopyxis punctum, Reichlingia leopoldiii, Sclerophora farinacea, Stigmidium congestum, Taeniolella beschiana, T. phaeophysciae, T. punctata, Thelocarpon superellum, Thelotema lepadinum, Tremella hypogymniae.]
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  • Kalb, K./ Staiger, B./ Elix, J.A./ Lange, U./ Lumbsch, H.T. 2008: A new circumscription of the genus Ramboldia (Lecanoraceae, Ascomycota) based on morphological and molecular evidence. - Nova Hedwigia 86(1-2): 23-42. [RLL List # 269 / Rec.# 43516]
    Abstract: The lichen genus Ramboldia is emended by inclusion of Pyrrhospora species containing the anthraquinone russulone in their apothecia and having a prosoplectenchymatous exciple. This is supported by anatomical characters. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum parsimony and Bayesian statistics of a combined data set of DNA sequences from nu LSU, mt SSU, and ITS gene regions revealed Pyrrhospora to be polyphyletic with the type species distinct from the russulone-containing Pyrrhospora species that clustered with Ramboldia taxa. The following new combinations are made: Ramboldia amagiensis, R. arandensis, R. aurantiaca, R. aurea, R. bullata, R. cinnabarina, R. gowardiana, R. griseococcinea, R. haematites, R. heterocarpa, R. laeta, R. lusitanica, R. manipurensis, R. russula, R. sanguinolenta and R. subcinnabarina. New to science are Ramboldia neolaeta Kalb & Elix and R. quaesitica Elix & Kalb. A key to all known species in the R. russula group is presented.
    – doi:10.1127/0029-5035/2008/0086-0023

    Notes: New: Ramboldia amagiensis (Räs.) Kalb, Lumbsch & Elix (≡ Protoblastenia amagiensis Räs.), R. arandensis (Elix) Kalb, Lumbsch & Elix (≡ Pyrrhospora arandensis Elix), R. aurantiaca (Aptroot & Diederich) Kalb, Lumbsch & Elix (≡ Py. aurantiaca Aptroot & Diederich), R. aurea (Kalb & Elix) Kalb, Lumbsch & Elix (≡ Py. aurea Kalb & Elix in Kalb), R. bullata (Kalb & Elix) Kalb, Lumbsch & Elix (≡ Py. bullata Kalb & Elix), R. cinnabarina (Sommerf.) Kalb, Lumbsch & Elix (≡ Lecidea cinnabarina Sommerf.), R. gowardiana (T.Sprib. & Hauck) Kalb, Lumbsch & Elix (≡ Py. gowardiana T.Sprib. & Hauck), R. griseococcinea (Nyl. ex Hue) Kalb, Lumbsch & Elix (≡ L. griseococcinea Nyl. ex Hue), R. heterocarpa (Fée) Kalb, Lumbsch & Elix (≡ L. heterocarpa Fée, lectotypified), R. laeta (Stirton) Kalb, Lumbsch & Elix (≡ L. laeta Stirton), R. lusitanica (Räs.) Kalb, Lumbsch & Elix (≡ Pr. lusitanica Räs.), R. manipurensis (K.Singh) Kalb, Lumbsch & Elix (≡ Catillaria manipurensis K.Singh), R. neolaeta Kalb & Elix (from Chile), R. quaesitica Elix & Kalb (from Australia & Brazil), R. russula (Ach.) Kalb, Lumbsch & Elix (≡ L. russula Ach.), R. sanguinolenta (Kremp.) Kalb, Lumbsch & Elix (≡ Callopisma sanguinolentum Kremp.), R. subcinnabarina (Tønsberg) Kalb, Lumbsch & Elix (≡ L. subcinnabarina Tønsberg). Lecotypified: L. cinereofusca Fée (in Fée 1873; = R. heterocarpa), L. coccinea Schwein. (= R. russula), L. condamineana Fée nom. nov. (= R. russula), L. haematites Fée (≡ R. haematites), L. sanguinea Fée (= R. haematites). Includes key.
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  • Fryday, A.M./ Hertel, H. 2014: A contribution to the family Lecideaceae s. lat. (Lecanoromycetidae inc. sed., lichenized Ascomycota) in the southern subpolar region; including eight new species and some revised generic circumscriptions. - The Lichenologist 46(3): 389-412. [RLL List # 240 / Rec.# 36381]
    Abstract: Eight new species of Lecideaceae are described from the southern subpolar region: Bryobilimbia coppinsiana Fryday [sic, error for = Bryobilimbia austrosaxicola Fryday & Coppins], a saxicolous species with one septate ascospores (Campbell Island, New Zealand); Immersaria fuliginosa Fryday, with a thallus composed of thalloconidia (Falkland Islands); Lecidea aurantia Fryday, with an orange thallus (Auckland Islands, New Zealand); L. campbellensis Fryday, with an endolithic thallus and apothecia resembling those of a species of Porpidia (Campbell Island); Poeltiaria ochyrae Hertel [sic, error for Poeltiaria coppinsiana Hertel], which is similar to P. subincongua but with a thick areolate thallus (South Orkney and South Shetland Islands); P. tasmanica Fryday, which is similar to P. urbanskyana but with smaller ascopores (Tasmania); Poeltidea inspersa Fryday with an enolithic thallus and a hymenium with large oil globules (Falkland Islands); and Porpidia vulcanoides Hertel & Fryday with immersed apothecia with a thick margin and large ascospores (SW Chile). Lecidea kalbii Hertel is resurrected from the synonymy of L. mannii Tuck. and treated as a distinct species. The circumscription of genera within the Lecideaceae is also discussed: Poeltiaria is shown to be heterogeneous, and the genera Labyrintha and NotoLecidea are reduced to synonymy with Poeltidea and Poeltiaria respectively, and the new combinations Poeltidia implexa (Malcolm et al.) Hertel & Fryday and Poeltiaria subcontinua (Hertel) Hertel & Fryday made. A key to the genera of Lecideaceae s. lat. is provided.
    – doi:10.1017/S0024282913000704

    Notes: New: Bryobilimbia austrosaxicola Fryday & Coppins, Immersaria fuliginosa Fryday, Lecidea aurantia Fryday, Lecidea campbellensis Fryday, Poeltiaria coppinsiana Hertel, Poeltiaria tasmanica Fryday, Poeltidea inspersa Fryday, Porpidia vulcanoides Hertel & Fryday, Poeltidea implexa (Malcolm, Elix & Owe-Larss.) Hertel & Fryday (≡ Labyrintha implexa Malcolm, Elix & Owe-Larss.), Poeltiaria subcontinua (Nyl.) Hertel & Fryday (≡ Lecidea subcontinua Nyl.). Labyrintha Malcolm, Elix & Owe-Larss. and Notolecidea Hertel are placed in synonymy with Poeltidea Hertel. Lecidea kalbii Hertel and Lecidea mannii Tuck. are treated as distinct taxa.
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  • Motiejûnaitë, J./ P. Grochowski 2014: Miscellaneous new records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi. - Herzogia 27(1): 193-198. [RLL List # 240 / Rec.# 36375]
    Abstract: New localities for 8 species of lichens and 12 species of lichenicolous fungi are reported. New to Belarus is Cornutispora lichenicola, to Brazil – Pronectria subimperspicua, to Denmark – Lichenochora obscuroides. Diederichia pseudeverniae, Myriospora heppii and Tremella hypogymniae are reported for the first time for Latvia, Agonimia flabelliformis, Caloplaca chlorina, Chaenotheca laevigata, Cladonia cryptochlorophaea, Lecidea ahlesii, Pertusaria coronata, Polycauliona ucrainica, Pronectria minuta and Rinodina aspersa – for Lithuania, Rhymbocarpus aggregatus – for Lithuania and Portugal. New localities in Italy are reported for Arthrorhaphis aeruginosa, Briancoppinsia cytosora, Cornutispora lichenicola, Diederichia pseudeverniae, in Denmark – for Marchandiobasidium aurantiacum andXanthoriicola physciae.
    – doi:10.13158/heia.27.1.2014.193

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  • Kondratyuk, S.Y./ Lokös, L./ Upreti, D.K./ Nayaka, S./ Mishra, G.K./ Ravera, S./ Jeong, M.-H./ Jang, S.-H./ Park, J.S./ Hur, J.-S. 2017: New monophyletic branches of the Teloschistaceae (lichen-forming ascomycota) proved by three gene phylogeny. - Acta Botanica Hungarica 59(1-2): 71-136. [RLL List # 247 / Rec.# 38849]
    Abstract: Seventeen robust monophyletic branches newly discovered in the phylogenetic tree of the Teloschistaceae after separate nrITS, nrLSU and mtSSU, as well as combined phylogenetic analysis are proposed to consider as the following separate genera: Dijigiella S. Y. Kondr. et L. Lőkös gen. nov. for the D. kaernefeltiana group, Elixjohnia S. Y. Kondr. et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for the Sirenophila jackelixii group, Fominiella S. Y. Kondr., D. Upreti et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for the F. tenerifensis group; Gintarasiella S. Y. Kondr. et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for Caloplaca aggregata, Hanstrassia S. Y. Kondr. gen. nov. for the Elenkiniana lenae group, Harusavskia S. Y. Kondr. gen. nov. for H. elenkinianoides sp. n., Huriella S. Y. Kondr. et D. Upreti gen. nov. for H. loekoesiana sp. n., Ikaeria S. Y. Kondr., D. Upreti et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for Caloplaca aurantiellina, Klauderuiella S. Y. Kondr. et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for the Variospora thallincola group, Laundonia S. Y. Kondr., L. Lőkös et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for the Gyalolechia flavovirescens group, Lazarenkoiopsis S. Y. Kondr., L. Lőkös et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for Caloplaca ussuriensis, Nevilleiella S. Y. Kondr. et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for the Caloplaca marchantii group, Opeltia S. Y. Kondr. et L. Lőkös gen. nov. for the Caloplaca neobaltistanica group, Oxneriopsis S. Y. Kondr., D. Upreti et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for the Caloplaca oxneri group, Teuvoahtiana S. Y. Kondr. et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for the Caloplaca rugulosa group, Tomnashia S. Y. Kondr. et J.-S. Hur gen. nov. for the Polycauliona rosei group, and Xanthaptychia S. Y. Kondr. et S. Ravera gen. nov. for the Seirophora orientalis group.
    – doi:10.1556/034.59.2017.1-2.6

    Notes: New: Dijigiella S.Y.Kondr. & L.Lőkös (type D. kaernefeltiana), D. kaernefeltiana S.Y.Kondr. (from Austraila), D. subaggregata S.Y.Kondr. & Kärnefelt (from Australia), Elixjohnia S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (type E. jackelixii), E. bermaguiana (S.Y.Kondr. & Kärnefelt) S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (≡ Caloplaca bermaguiana S.Y.Kondr. & Kärnefelt), E. gallowayi (S.Y.Kondr., Kärnefelt & Filson) S.Y.Kondr. & J.- S. Hur (≡ Caloplaca gallowayi S.Y.Kondr., Kärnefelt & Filson), E. jackelixii (S.Y.Kondr., Kärnefelt & A.Thell) S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (≡ Caloplaca jackelixii S.Y.Kondr., Kärnefelt & A.Thell), Fominiella S.Y.Kondr., D. Upreti & J.-S.Hur (type F. tenerifensis), F. skii (Khodos., Vondrák & Šoun) S.Y.Kondr., D. Upreti & J.-S.Hur (≡ Caloplaca skii Khodos., Vondrák & Šoun), F. tenerifensis S.Y.Kondr., Kärnefelt, A. Thell & T.Feuerer (from Spain), Gintarasiella S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (type G. aggregata), G. aggregata (Kantvilas & S.Y.Kondr.) S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (≡ Caloplaca aggregata Kantvilas & S.Y.Kondr.), Hanstrassia S.Y.Kondr. (type H. lenae), Han. jaeseounhurii S.Y.Kondr., Ch.-H.Park & L.Lőkös (from China), H. lenae (Søchting & G. Figueras) S.Y.Kondr. (≡ C. lenae Søchting & G.Figueras), Harusavskia S.Y.Kondr. (type H. elenkinianoides), Har. elenkinianoides S.Y.Kondr., X.Y.Wang, S.-O.Oh & J.-S.Hur (from Chile), Huriella S.Y.Kondr. & D.Upreti (from Hu. loekoesiana), H. loekoesiana S.Y.Kondr. & D.Upreti (from Korea), Ikaeria S.Y.Kondr., D.Upreti & J.-S.Hur (type I. aurantiellina), I. aurantiellina (Harm.) S.Y.Kondr., D.Upreti & J.-S.Hur (≡ Caloplaca aurantiellina Harm.), Klauderuiella S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (type K. thallincola), K. aurantia (Pers.) S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (≡ Lichen aurantius Pers.), K. flavescens (Huds.) S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (≡ Lichen flavescens Huds.), K. thallincola (Wedd.) S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (≡ Lecanora murorum var. thallincola Wedd.), Laundonia S.Y.Kondr., L.Lőkös & J.-S.Hur (type Lau. flavovirescens), Lau. flavovirescens (Wulfen) S.Y.Kondr., L.Lőkös & J.-S.Hur (≡ Lichen flavovirescens Wulfen), Lau. persimilis (Wetmore) S.Y.Kondr., L.Lőkös & J.-S.Hur (≡ Caloplaca persimilis Wetmore), Lazarenkoiopsis S.Y.Kondr., L.Lőkös & J.-S.Hur (type Laz. ussuriensis), Laz. ussuriensis (Oxner, S.Y.Kondr. & Elix) S.Y.Kondr., L.Lőkös & J.-S.Hur (≡ Caloplaca ussuriensis Oxner, S.Y.Kondr. & Elix), Nevilleiella S.Y.Kondr., & J.-S.Hur (type N. marchantii), N. marchantii (S.Y.Kondr. & Kärnefelt) S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (≡ Caloplaca marchantii S.Y.Kondr. & Kärnefelt), N. lateritia (Taylor) S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (≡ Lecidea lateritia (Taylor) S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S. Hur), Opeltia S.Y.Kondr. & L.Lőkös (type Op. neobaltistanica), Op. arizonica (H.Magn.) S.Y.Kondr. & L.Lőkös (≡ Caloplaca arizonica H.Magn.), Op. juniperina (Tomin) S.Y.Kondr. & L.Lőkös (≡ Caloplaca juniperina Tomin), Op. (S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur) S.Y.Kondr. & L.Lőkös (≡ Caloplaca neobaltistanica S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur), Oxneriopsis S.Y.Kondr., D.Upreti & J.-S.Hur (type Ox. oxneri), Ox. oxneri (S.Y.Kondr. & Søchting) S.Y.Kondr., D.Upreti & J.-S.Hur (≡ Caloplaca oxneri S.Y.Kondr. & Søchting), Ox. yeosuensis (S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur) S.Y.Kondr., D.Upreti & J.-S.Hur (≡ Caloplaca yeosuensis S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur), Squamulea micromera (Hue) S.Y.Kondr., L.Lőkös & J.-S.Hur (≡ Lecanora micromera Hue), Teuvoahtiana S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (type Te. rugulosa), Te. altoandina (Malme) S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (≡ Callopisma altoandinum Malme), Te. fernandeziana (Zahlbr.) S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (≡ Blastenia fernandeziana Zahlbr.), Te. rugulosa (Nyl.) S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (≡ Placodium rugulosum Nyl.), Tomnashia S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (type To. rosei), To. ludificans (Arup) S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (≡ Caloplaca ludificans Arup), To. luteominia (Tuck.) S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (≡ Placodium luteominium Tuck.), To. nashii (Nav.-Ros., Gaya & Hladún) S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (≡ Caloplaca nashii Nav.-Ros., Gaya & Hladún), To. rosei (Hasse) S.Y.Kondr. & J.-S.Hur (≡ Caloplaca rosei Hasse), Variospora latzelii (Servít) S.Y.Kondr. (≡ Blastenia latzelii Servít), Xanthaptychia S.Y.Kondr. & S.Ravera (type Xantha. orientalis), Xantha. aurantiaca (R. Br.) S.Y.Kondr. & S.Ravera (≡ Borrera aurantiaca R.Br.), Xantha. blumii (S.Y.Kondr. & Moniri) S.Y.Kondr. & S.Ravera (≡ Seirophora blumii S.Y.Kondr. & Moniri), Xantha. contortuplicata (Ach.) S.Y.Kondr. & S.Ravera (≡ Parmelia contortuplicata Ach.), Xantha. orientalis (Frödén) S.Y.Kondr. & S.Ravera (≡ Seirophora orientalis Frödén), Xanthocarpia raesaenenii (Bredkina) S.Y.Kondr. (≡ Caloplaca raesaenenii Bredkina).
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  • Stepanchikova, I.S./ Himelbrant, D.E./ Schiefelbein, U./ Motiejūnaitė, J./ Ahti, T./ Andreev, M.P. 2019: The lichens of Moshchny Island (Lavansaari) – one of the remote islands in the Gulf of Finland. - Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 56: 31-52. [RLL List # 258 / Rec.# 41475]
    Abstract: We present a checklist for Moshchny Island (Leningrad Region, Russia). The documented lichen biota comprises 349 species, including 313 lichens, 30 lichenicolous fungi and 6 non-lichenized saprobic fungi. Endococcus exerrans and Lichenopeltella coppinsii are reported for the first time for Russia; Cercidospora stenotropae, Erythricium aurantiacum, Flavoplaca limonia, Lecidea haerjedalica, and Myriospora myochroa for European Russia; Flavoplaca oasis, Intralichen christiansenii, Nesolechia fusca, and Myriolecis zosterae for North-Western European Russia; and Arthrorhaphis aeruginosa, Calogaya pusilla, and Lecidea auriculata subsp. auriculata are new for Leningrad Region. The studied lichen biota is moderately rich and diverse, but a long history of human activity likely caused its transformation, especially the degradation of forest lichen biota. The most valuable habitats for lichens in Moshchny Island are seashore and dune communities which definitely deserve protection.
    – doi:10.12697/fce.2019.56.05

    Countries/Continents: Russia/Europe
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  • Xie C.-M./ Wang L.-S./ Zhao Z.-T./ Zhang, Y.-Y./ Wang, X.-Y./ Zhang, L.-L. 2022: Revision of Immersaria and a new lecanorine genus in Lecideaceae (lichenised Ascomycota, Lecanoromycetes). - MycoKeys 87: 99-132. [RLL List # 270 / Rec.# 43732]
    Abstract: The species Immersaria cupreoatra has been included in Bellemerea. This caused us to reconsider the relationships between Bellemerea and the lecanorine species of Immersaria and to question the monophyly of Immersaria. Amongst 25 genera of the family Lecideaceae, most have lecideine apothecia, the exceptions being Bellemerea and Koerberiella, which have lecanorine apothecia. According to previous classifications, Immersaria included species with both lecanorine and lecideine apothecia. A five-loci phylogenetic tree (nrITS, nrLSU, RPB1, RPB2, and mtSSU) for Lecideaceae showed that Immersaria was split into two clades: firstly, all the lecideine apotheciate species and secondly, all the lecanorine apotheciate species. The latter clade was closely related to the remaining lecanorine apotheciate genera: Bellemerea and Koerberiella. Therefore, the genus concept of Immersaria is revised accordingly and a new lecanorine genus Lecaimmeria is proposed. Furthermore, four new species for Immersaria and seven new species and three new combinations for the new genus Lecaimmeria are proposed. Keys to Immersaria and the new genus Lecaimmeria are provided.
    – doi:10.3897/mycokeys.87.72614

    Countries/Continents: Asia
    Notes: New (from China): Immersaria aurantia C.M.Xie & Li S.Wang, I. ferruginea C.M.Xie & Li S.Wan, I. shangrilaensis C.M.Xie & Lu L.Zhang, I. venusta C.M.Xie & Xin Y.Wang, Lecaimmeria C.M.Xie, Lu L.Zhang & Li S.Wang (type L. orbicularis), L. orbicularis C.M.Xie & Lu L.Zhang, L. botryoides C.M.Xie & Li S.Wang, L. cupreoatra (Nyl.) C.M.Xie (≡ Lecanora cupreoatra Nyl.), L. iranica (Valadb., Sipman & Rambold) C.M.Xie (≡ I. iranica Valadb., Sipman & Rambold), L. lygaea C.M.Xie & Lu L.Zhang, L. mehadiana (Calatayud & Rambold) C.M.Xie (≡ I. mehadiana Calatayud & Rambold), L. mongolica C.M.Xie & Lu L.Zhang, L. orbicularis C.M.Xie & Lu L.Zhang, L. qinghaiensis C.M.Xie & Li S.Wang, L. tibetica C.M.Xie & Xin Y.Wang, L. tuberculosa C.M.Xie & Xin Y.Wang. Includes keys to both genera in China.
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  • Bukabayeva, Z./ Abiyev, S./ Silybayeva, B./ Ivachshenko, O. 2024: The impact of climate aridification on rare lichen communities. - Biosystems Diversity 32(1): 142-149. [RLL List # 277 / Rec.# 45008]
    Abstract: The global diversity of approximately 25,000 lichen species (e.g., from the genera Usnea, Cladonia, and Peltigera), including rare and endangered ones, highlights the importance of preserving their population in the State National Nature Park “Burabay”. The objective of this study was to investigate the distribution of rare lichen species in the territory of the State National Nature Park “Burabay,” located in the Akmola region of Kazakhstan, in the period from 2018 to 2022, with a particular focus on understanding how aridification may have influenced their presence and abundance. In the course of the study, methods such as route expeditions, the comparative morphological method, as well as some other special methods were used. The collection of information to systematize the taxonomic composition of lichens (genera Lobaria, Rhizocarpon, and Xanthoria) was carried out during route expeditions. The study identified 56 lichen species, with a focus on rare and protected species. Established in 2000, the park's rich biodiversity is showcased, including the discovery of three very rare species (Dermatocarpon miniatum, Psora lurida, and Verrucaria nigrescens) and four species requiring protection (Peltigera spuria, Cladonia coccifera, Haematomma ventosum, and Caloplaca aurantiaca). These findings are significant, considering the absence of data on these species since the 1982 Red Book of Kazakhstan (including genera such as Lecanora, Lecidea, and Pertusaria). The sensitivity of lichens to environmental changes (indicated by genera like Alectoria, Bryoria, and Cetraria) makes them ideal for monitoring ecological health through a cost-effective method known as lichen indication. The increase in the species count over the past five years (highlighting genera such as Stereocaulon, Solorina, and Thamnolia) suggests effective conservation efforts and underlines the park's ecological importance. The study's findings reveal that aridification is reshaping lichen communities in the park, emphasizing their sensitivity to climate change and the need for conservation strategies to address these changes and ensure the preservation of lichen biodiversity in the face of global climate change. The research contributes valuable data for future conservation planning and environmental assessments in the region, emphasizing the need to protect diverse lichen genera (e.g., Evernia, Ramalina, and Parmotrema) for ecological monitoring and conservation.
    – doi:10.15421/012414

    Countries/Continents: Kazakhstan/Asia
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