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Ahti, T/ Stenroos, S/ Archer, AW 1990: Some species of Cladonia, published by J. D. Hooker & T. Taylor from the southern Hemisphere. - Muelleria 7(2): 173-177. [RLL List #  / Rec.# 272]
Abstract: [New: Cladonia rigida var. acuta (Taylor) A. W. Archer comb. nov. Also: Cladonia decurva Taylor ex Church. Bab. & Mitten in J. D. Hooker is an invalid name to be replaced by C. scabriuscula (Delise in Duby) Nyl., C. phyllophora (J. D. Hooker & Taylor) Dodge is an illegitimate later homonym of C. phyllophora Hoffm. and represents a taxon of uncertain identity, C. rigida (J. D. Hooker & Taylor) Hampe is an earlier name for C. squamosula Müll Arg., C. rigida var. acuta is the correct name for C. squamosula var. subsquamosula A. W. Archer, C. sarmentosa (J. D. Hooker & Taylor) Dodge is an earlier name for C. campbelliana (Vainio) Gyelnik and C. ustulata (J. D. Hooker & Taylor) Leighton is an earlier name for C. flavescens Vainio.]

[Email correction]

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