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Ariyawansa, H.A./ Hyde, K.D./ Jayasiri, S.C./ Buyck, B./ Chethana, K.W.T./ Dai, D.Q./ Dai, Y.C./ Daranagama, D.A./ Jayawardena, R.S./ Lücking, R./ Ghobad-Nejhad, M./ Niskanen, T./ Thambugala, K.M./ Voigt, K./ Zhao, R.L./ Li, G.-J./ Doilom, M./ Boonmee, S./ Yang, Z.L./ Cai, Q./ Cui, Y.Y./ Bahkali, A.H./ Chen, J./ Cui, B.K./ Chen, J.J./ Dayarathne, M.C./ Dissanayake, A.J./ Ekanayaka, A.H./ Hashimoto, A./ Hongsanan, S./ Jones, E.B.G./ Larsson, E./ Li, W.J./ Li, Q.-R./ Liu, J.K./ Luo, Z.L./ Maharachchikumbura, S.S.N./ Mapook, A./ McKenzie, E.H.C./ Norphanphoun, C./ Konta, S./ Pang, K.L./ Perera, R.H./ Phookamsak, R./ Phukhamsakda, C./ Pinruan, U./ Randrianjohany, E./ Singtripop, C./ Tanaka, K./ Tian, C.M./ Tibpromma, S./ Abdel-Wahab, M.A./ Wanasinghe, D.N./ Wijayawardene, N.N./ Zhang, J.-F./ Zhang, H./ Abdel-Aziz, F.A./ Wedin, M./ Westberg, M./ Ammirati, J.F./ Bulgakov, T.S./ Lima, D.X./ Callaghan, T.M./ Callac, P./ Chang, C.-H./ Coca, L.F./ Dal-Forno, M./ Dollhofer, V./ Fliegerová, K./ Greiner, K./ Griffith, G.W./ Ho, H.-M./ Hofstetter, V./ Jeewon, R./ Kang, J.C./ Wen, T.-C./ Kirk, P.M./ Kytövuori, I./ Lawrey, J.D./ Xing, J./ Li, H./ Liu, Z.Y./ Liu, X.Z./ Liimatainen, K./ Lumbsch, H.T./ Matsumura, M./ Moncada, B./ Nuankaew, S./ Parnmen, S./ de Azevedo Santiago, A.L.C.M./ Sommai, S./ Song, Y./ de Souza, C.A.F./ de Souza-Motta, C.M./ Su, H.Y./ Suetrong, S./ Wang, Y./ Wei, S.-F./ Wen, T.C./ Yuan, H.S./ Zhou, L.W./ Réblová, M./ Fournier, J./ Camporesi, E./ Luangsa-ard, J.J./ Tasanathai, K./ Khonsanit, A./ Thanakitpipattana, D./ Somrithipol, S./ Diederich, P./ Millanes, A.M./ Common, R.S./ Stadler, M./ Yan, J.Y./ Li, X./ Lee, H.W./ Nguyen, T.T.T./ Lee, H.B./ Battistin, E./ Marsico, O./ Vizzini, A./ Vila, J./ Ercole, E./ Eberhardt, U./ Simonini, G./ Wen, H.-A./ Chen, X.-H. 2015: Fungal diversity notes 111–252—taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa. - Fungal Diversity 75(1): 27-274. [RLL List # 268 / Rec.# 36903]
Keywords: Fungi/ Taxonomy/ New genus/ New species/ Phylogeny
Abstract: This paper is a compilation of notes on 142 fungal taxa, including five new families, 20 new genera, and 100 new species, representing a wide taxonomic and geographic range. The new families, Ascocylindricaceae, Caryosporaceae and Wicklowiaceae (Ascomycota) are introduced based on their distinct lineages and unique morphology. The new Dothideomycete genera Pseudomassariosphaeria (Amniculicolaceae), Heracleicola, Neodidymella and Pseudomicrosphaeriopsis (Didymellaceae), Pseudopithomyces (Didymosphaeriaceae), Brunneoclavispora, Neolophiostoma and Sulcosporium (Halotthiaceae), Lophiohelichrysum (Lophiostomataceae), Galliicola, Populocrescentia and Vagicola (Phaeosphaeriaceae), Ascocylindrica (Ascocylindricaceae), Elongatopedicellata (Roussoellaceae), Pseudoasteromassaria (Latoruaceae) and Pseudomonodictys (Macrodiplodiopsidaceae) are introduced. The newly described species of Dothideomycetes (Ascomycota) are Pseudomassariosphaeria bromicola (Amniculicolaceae), Flammeascoma lignicola (Anteagloniaceae), Ascocylindrica marina (Ascocylindricaceae), Lembosia xyliae (Asterinaceae), Diplodia crataegicola and Diplodia galiicola (Botryosphaeriaceae), Caryospora aquatica (Caryosporaceae), Heracleicola premilcurensis and Neodidymella thailandicum (Didymellaceae), Pseudopithomyces palmicola (Didymosphaeriaceae), Floricola viticola (Floricolaceae), Brunneoclavispora bambusae, Neolophiostoma pigmentatum and Sulcosporium thailandica (Halotthiaceae), Pseudoasteromassaria fagi (Latoruaceae), Keissleriella dactylidicola (Lentitheciaceae), Lophiohelichrysum helichrysi (Lophiostomataceae), Aquasubmersa japonica (Lophiotremataceae), Pseudomonodictys tectonae (Macrodiplodiopsidaceae), Microthyrium buxicola and Tumidispora shoreae (Microthyriaceae), Alloleptosphaeria clematidis, Allophaeosphaeria cytisi, Allophaeosphaeria subcylindrospora, Dematiopleospora luzulae, Entodesmium artemisiae, Galiicola pseudophaeosphaeria, Loratospora luzulae, Nodulosphaeria senecionis, Ophiosphaerella aquaticus, Populocrescentia forlicesenensis and Vagicola vagans (Phaeosphaeriaceae), Elongatopedicellata lignicola, Roussoella magnatum and Roussoella angustior (Roussoellaceae) and Shrungabeeja longiappendiculata (Tetraploasphaeriaceae). The new combinations Pseudomassariosphaeria grandispora, Austropleospora archidendri, Pseudopithomyces chartarum, Pseudopithomyces maydicus, Pseudopithomyces sacchari, Vagicola vagans, Punctulariopsis cremeoalbida and Punctulariopsis efibulata Dothideomycetes. The new genera Dictyosporella (Annulatascaceae), and Tinhaudeus (Halosphaeriaceae) are introduced in Sordariomycetes (Ascomycota) while Dictyosporella aquatica (Annulatascaceae), Chaetosphaeria rivularia (Chaetosphaeriaceae), Beauveria gryllotalpidicola and Beauveria loeiensis (Cordycipitaceae), Seimatosporium sorbi and Seimatosporium pseudorosarum (Discosiaceae), Colletotrichum aciculare, Colletotrichum fusiforme and Colletotrichum hymenocallidicola (Glomerellaceae), Tinhaudeus formosanus (Halosphaeriaceae), Pestalotiopsis subshorea and Pestalotiopsis dracaenea (Pestalotiopsiceae), Phaeoacremonium tectonae (Togniniaceae), Cytospora parasitica and Cytospora tanaitica (Valsaceae), Annulohypoxylon palmicola, Biscogniauxia effusae and Nemania fusoideis (Xylariaceae) are introduced as novel species to order Sordariomycetes. The newly described species of Eurotiomycetes are Mycocalicium hyaloparvicellulum (Mycocaliciaceae). Acarospora septentrionalis and Acarospora castaneocarpa (Acarosporaceae), Chapsa multicarpa and Fissurina carassensis (Graphidaceae), Sticta fuscotomentosa and Sticta subfilicinella (Lobariaceae) are newly introduced in class Lecanoromycetes. In class Pezizomycetes, Helvella pseudolacunosa and Helvella rugosa (Helvellaceae) are introduced as new species. The new families, Dendrominiaceae and Neoantrodiellaceae (Basidiomycota) are introduced together with a new genus Neoantrodiella (Neoantrodiellaceae), here based on both morphology coupled with molecular data. In the class Agaricomycetes, Agaricus pseudolangei, Agaricus haematinus, Agaricus atrodiscus and Agaricus exilissimus (Agaricaceae), Amanita melleialba, Amanita pseudosychnopyramis and Amanita subparvipantherina (Amanitaceae), Entoloma calabrum, Cora barbulata, Dictyonema gomezianum and Inocybe granulosa (Inocybaceae), Xerocomellus sarnarii (Boletaceae), Cantharellus eucalyptorum, Cantharellus nigrescens, Cantharellus tricolor and Cantharellus variabilicolor (Cantharellaceae), Cortinarius alboamarescens, Cortinarius brunneoalbus, Cortinarius ochroamarus, Cortinarius putorius and Cortinarius seidlii (Cortinariaceae), Hymenochaete micropora and Hymenochaete subporioides (Hymenochaetaceae), Xylodon ramicida (Schizoporaceae), Colospora andalasii (Polyporaceae), Russula guangxiensis and Russula hakkae (Russulaceae), Tremella dirinariae, Tremella graphidis and Tremella pyrenulae (Tremellaceae) are introduced. Four new combinations Neoantrodiella gypsea, Neoantrodiella thujae (Neoantrodiellaceae), Punctulariopsis cremeoalbida, Punctulariopsis efibulata (Punctulariaceae) are also introduced here for the division Basidiomycota. Furthermore Absidia caatinguensis, Absidia koreana and Gongronella koreana (Cunninghamellaceae), Mortierella pisiformis and Mortierella formosana (Mortierellaceae) are newly introduced in the Zygomycota, while Neocallimastix cameroonii and Piromyces irregularis (Neocallimastigaceae) are introduced in the Neocallimastigomycota. Reference specimens or changes in classification and notes are provided for Alternaria ethzedia, Cucurbitaria ephedricola, Austropleospora, Austropleospora archidendri, Byssosphaeria rhodomphala, Lophiostoma caulium, Pseudopithomyces maydicus, Massariosphaeria, Neomassariosphaeria and Pestalotiopsis montellica.
– doi:10.1007/s13225-015-0346-5

Notes: New lichens and lichenicolous fungi: Acarospora castaneocarpa M. Westb. & Wedin (from Finland), A. septentrionalis M.Westb. & Wedin (from Iceland, Norway, Sweden; ≡ A. badiofusca var. glaucocarpoides H.Magn.), Chapsa multicarpa Lücking, Parnmen & Lumbsch (from Thailand), Cora barbulata Lücking, Dal-Forno & Lawrey (from Costa Rica), Dictyonema gomezianum Lücking, Dal-Forno & Lawrey (from Costa Rica), Fissurina carassensis Lücking, Parnmen & Lumbsch (from Brazil), Mycocalicium hyaloparvicellulum Daranagama & K.D. Hyde (from Italy), Sticta fuscotomentosa Moncada, Coca & Lücking (from Colombia), Sticta subfilicinella Moncada, Coca & Lücking (from Colombia), Tremella dirinariae Diederich, Millanes & Wedin (on Dirinaria aegialita from U.S.A.), Tremella graphidis Diederich, Millanes, Wedin & Common (on Graphis spp. from U.S.A.), Tremella pyrenulae Diederich, Millanes, Wedin & Common (on Pyrenula ochraceoflavens from U.S.A.).


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