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Leuckert, C/ Buschardt, A/ Hertel, H 1981: Die Verteilung der Chemotypen von Dimelaena oreina (Lichenes) auf verschiedene Hohenstufen an einem Transekt im Vinschagau (Sudtirol, Italien). - Nova Hedwigia 34: 623-631. [RLL List # 113-61 / Rec.# 11402]
Abstract: 3 tables. 1 figure. [Study of an altitudinal transect from 700 to 2700 meters showed presence of all four chemotypes at lower elevations, but only two types at higher elevations. "In the lower parts the greater number of chemotypes is correlated with more diverse types of biotypes. The decrease of the number of chemotypes from lower to higher regions may be compared with its decrease from south to north in Europe--which is an expression of the so-called north-south gradient."]

[Email correction]

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