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Nadvornik 1984: Beitrage zur kenntnis der aussereuropaischer coniocarpen flechten. - In: H. Hertel & F. Oberwinkler (eds.): Annals mycologica. . Beiheft zur Nova Hedwigia 79. J. Cramer, Vaduz pp. 597-713. [RLL List # 123-108 / Rec.# 18609]
Abstract: 32 figures. 1 table. [Summary of 26 genera in eight families; key. New: Chaenotheca coniophaea (Norm.) comb. nov.; C. furfuracea (L.) comb. nov., C. gracillima (Vain.) comb. nov., Chaenothecopsis koerberi (Nadv.) comb. nov., C. exsertum (Nyl.) comb. nov., C. savonica (Ras.) comb. nov., Cybebe gen. nov., C. gracilenta (Ach.) comb. nov., Mycocalicium calicioides (Nadv.) comb. nov., M. victoriae (C. Knight ex F. Wilson) comb. nov., Nadvornikia gen. nov., N. hawaiensis (Tuck.) comb. nov.; Pyrgillocarpon Nadv., gen. nov.; P. cubanum (Nyl.) Nadv. in Tibell, comb. nov.; P. indicum (Krempelh.) Nadv. in Tibell, comb. nov., Sclerophora amabilis (Tibell) comb. nov.; S. nivea (Hoffm.) comb. nov.; S. peronella (Ach.) comb. nov.; S. sanguinea (Tibell) comb. nov., Sphaerophorus subgen. Sphaerocarpus Ohlsson, subgen. nov.; S. subgen. Bunodophorus (Massal.) Ohlsson, comb. nov.; S. subgen. Aghimus Ohlsson, subgen. nov.; Calycidiaceae Choisy ex Tibell, fam. nov.; Microcaliciaceae fam. nov.; Sclerophoraceae fam. nov. Eight tropical genera are not assigned to families at this time. "The following, widely accepted genera are here considered taxonomical synonyms: Coniocybe Ach. (=Chaenotheca Th. Fr.), Sphinctinella Nadv. (=Mycocalicium Vain.) and Strongyleuma Vain. (=Chaenothecopsis Vain.)."]

[Email correction]

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