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W. Härdtle and G. von Oheimb 2010: Beziehungen zwischen Struktur und Kryptogamenflora von unbewirtschafteten und bewirtschafteten Buchenwäldern im nordostdeutschen Tiefland. - Drosera 2009: 45-53. [RLL List # 221 / Rec.# 32393]
Abstract: [Study of forest structure on populations of lichens and bryophytes in managed and unmanaged beech forests in northeastern Germany. "Since high dbh values are positively correlated with both the number of habitats and the habitat quality required by these species, old trees with high dbh proved to be the most important phorophytes for cryptogams. Aiming at the preservation of a diverse flora of cryptogams, forest management should ensure the continuous occurrence of big trees above the target diameter. In addition, a single tree selection felling method should be applied to minimise changes in the cryptogams' microclimate."]

[Email correction]

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