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Poelt, J 1958: Die lobaten Arten der Flechtengattung Lecanora Ach. sensu ampl. in der Holarktis. - Mitt. der Bot. Staatssammlung München 2(19-20): 411-573. [RLL List # 30 / Rec.# 14805]
Abstract: 27 fig. [106 sp. Keys. New: Candelariella senior sp. nov., C. carnica sp. nov., Lecanora subgen. Placodium (Pers.) comb. nov. et em., L. (P.) sect. Endaspidion sect. nov., sect. Endochloris sect. nov., sect. Dactylon sect. nov., sect. Saccharon sect. nov., sect. Petrasterion sect. nov. with subsect. Pseudocorticatae subsect. nov. and subsect. Concolores subsect. nov., sect. Arctopeltis sect. nov., sect. Pachnopeltis sect. nov., sect. Omphalodina (Choisy) comb. nov., L. chlorophthalma Poelt & Tomin sp. nov., L. freyi sp. nov., L. usbeckica sp. nov., L. valesiaca var. siberica var. nov., L. cerebellina sp. nov., L. phaedrophthalma sp. nov., L. heiroglyphica sp. nov., L. diaboli Frey & Poelt sp. nov., L. muralis var. dubyi (Mull. Arg.) comb. nov., var. serpentini var. nov., L. bolacana (Pollin.) comb. nov., L. laatokkaensis (Ras.) comb. nov., L. melanophthalma var. obscura (Stein.) comb. nov., L. baranowii (Tomin) comb. nov., Squamarina gen. nov., (Lecanoraceae) and sect. Petroplaca sect. nov., S. callichora (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., S. degelii sp. nov., S. pachylepidea (Helb.) comb. nov., S. magnussonii Frey & Poelt sp. nov., S. provincialis Clauzade & Poelt sp. nov., S. concrescens (Mull. Arg.) comb. nov., S. periculosa (Duf.) comb. nov., S. nivalis Frey & Poelt sp. nov., S. lentigera (Weber) comb. nov., S. lamarckii (DC.) comb. nov., S. gypsacea (Sm.) comb. nov., S. stella-petraea sp. nov., S. oleosa (Zahlbr.) comb. nov., S. kansuensis (Magn.) comb. nov., S. crassa (Huds.) comb. nov. with var. crassa fo. pseudocrassa (Mattick) comb. nov. and fo. iberica (Mattick) comb. nov. and var. platyloba (Mattick) comb. nov.]

[Email correction]

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