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Culberson, CF/ Kristinsson, H 1970: A standardized method for the identification of lichen products. - Jour. Chromatogr. 46: 85-93. [RLL List # 75 / Rec.# 3758]
Abstract: 2 fig. 1 tab.["A procedure for the routine identification of the products of lichen-forming fungi by thin-layer chromatography is described. Microextracts of plant fragments are chromatographed in three solvent systems. The spots of unknowns are assigned to Rf classes defined by the Rf values of marker controls of two lichen substances (atranorin and norstictic acid) chromatographed on every plate. The unknowns are tentatively identified by sorting (by Rf classes) punched cards summarizing microchemical data for all compounds previously studied. The preliminary identification is then confirmed by additional microchemical tests. The open-ended system can incorporate new and unknown compounds as well as information from other chromatographic systems. Data obtained by the standardized procedure are given for 104 products."]

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