
A. Zoom/Scale

Zoom: Magnification relative to full country map.
Scale: Refers to a map 17.3 cm wide when printed.

B. Map symbols

Data from herbarium material:
- Precise coordinates, determination not doubtful: Circle
- Precise coordinates lacking, symbol placed in centre of municipality: Star
- Determination doubtful: Triangle
Data from field note database: Cross
Data from field investigation database: Plus sign
Colour        Altitude   Red-list    Collected     Revised      Herbarium
Cyan          2101-                  1995-         1995-        DUKE
Blue          1501-2100     R        1980-1994     1980-1994    O
Violet         901-1500              1965-1979     1965-1979    BG
Dark green     601-900      DM       1950-1964     1950-1964    UPS
Light green    301-600      DC       1900-1949     1900-1949    Hb. Holien
Orange         101-300      V        1850-1899     1850-1899    MIN, Field investigation
Red              0-100     Ex/E          -1849         -1849    S, Field notes
Black          Unknown      -         Unknown       Unknown
The symbols are placed on the map in the order black, red to cyan, except for Reversed order and Red-list category where the order is black, cyan to red, and Herbarium where they follow database index order.

 NLD reads this file to get the red list category for each species.

C. Background colour

1.           Altitude (m)            
Red           2100-
Orange        1500-2100
Yellow         900-1500
Light green    600-900
Medium green   300-600
Dark green       0-300  
2. Grid:        Hot Spots       Species richness     Collections         Localities         Field days 
     km:     10×10    50×50      10×10    50×50     10×10    50×50     10×10    50×50     10×10    50×50 
Red           >1       >2       160-     311-      311-    3101-       32-     311-       32-     311-   
Orange       >0.5      >1        79-159  151-310   151-310 1501-3100   16-31   151-310    16-31   151-310
Yellow       >0.25    >0.5       38-78    71-150    71-150  701-1500    8-15    71-150     8-15    71-150 
Green        >0.15    >0.3       17-37    31-70     31-70   301-700     4-7     31-70      4-7     31-70 
Cyan         >0.10    >0.2        6-16    11-30     11-30   101-300     2-3     11-30      2-3     11-30 
Blue          >0       >0         1-5      1-10      1-10     1-100      1       1-10       1       1-10
Hot Spots: The sum of rarety index values for each species recorded (collected or noted) at each locality (see locality definition below) per grid cell. The rarety index value is defined as the inverse of the number of Norwegian localities for a given species, calculated for the 25% most rare macrolichen species. The value is set to zero for the remaining species. NLD generated this file of rarety index values at the latest update.
Species richness: The number of species recorded per grid cell.
Collections: The number of separate species-locality-date records per grid cell. E.g., one species collected at two separate dates at the same locality is counted as two, whereas two collections of the same species at the same locality and date are counted as one.
Localities: The number of localities recorded per grid cell. A locality is defined as a 1×1 km square in UTM zone 33 where there at least one collection or field note has been made.
Field days: The number of dates with at least one collection of field note recorded per grid cell.