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  • Acharius,E : Bemerkungen und Nachträge zum Methodus Lichenum. - Weber et Mohr Archiv für die systematische Naturgeschichte\ I: . [Mattick Rec.# 34644]
    Keywords: INCOMPLETE
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  • Acharius,E : Usneae generis nova species. - \Nov. Act. regiae Soc. Scient. Upsaliensis VII: . [Mattick Rec.# 34643]
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  • Anguillara,A 1561: Opera botanica. - \Venetiis. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33198]
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  • Ambrosinus,H 1666: Phytologiae pars prima, Tom. 1. - \Bononiae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33226]
    Keywords: ITALY
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  • Amman,J 1739: Stirpium rariorum in imperio Rutheno sponte provenientium icones et descriptiones. - \Petropolis. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33871]
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  • Aspelin,E 1749: Flora oeconomica. - \Carol. Linnaei Amoenitates Academiae, seu Dissertationes variae Physicae, Medicae, Botanicae etc. I: . [Mattick Rec.# 34287]
    Keywords: USE
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  • Adanson,M 1763: Familles des Plantes. - \Paris. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33142]
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  • Agosti,G 1770: De re botanica tractatus, in quo eae stirpes peculiariter recensentur, quae in agro Bellunensi et Fidentino vel sponte nascenti vel arte excol. - \Belluni. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 30924]
    Keywords: ITALY
    Abstract: Belluno
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  • Scopoli, G.A. 1777: Introductio ad historiam naturalem sistens genera lapidum, plantarum, et animalium :hactenus detecta, caracteribus essentialibus donata, in tribus divisa, subinde ad leges naturae. - Gerle, Prague. 1-540 pp. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 921]
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  • Wulfen, F.X. 1781: Plantae rariores carinthiaceae II.. - In: Nicolai Josephi Jacquin: Miscellanae Austriaca ad botanicam, chemiam, et historiam naturalem spectantia, cum figuris. Vol. II.. Vindobonae, Ex Officina Krausiana, pp. 25-273. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 376]
    Abstract: (pdf-file contains only the lichenological part, including pictures)
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  • Anon. 1782: Underretning om den islandske Mos eller Fjeldgraes, meddelt i Anledning af det Kngl. danske Cancellies Skrivelse af 18. Aog. 1781. - \Trondhjem. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 34613]
    Keywords: CETRARIA\USE
    Abstract: Cetraria islandica
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  • Allioni,C 1785: Flora Pedemontana etc. Tom. 1-3, 1785-1786. - \Briolo, Torino. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 30926]
    Keywords: ITALY
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  • Amoureux,P J 1787: Recherches et experiences sur les divers lichens d'usage. - Mémoires couronnés sur l'utilité des Lichens dans le médicine et dans les arts\ : . [Mattick Rec.# 34308]
    Keywords: USE
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  • Wulfen, F.X. 1788: Plantae rariores carinthiacae [cont.]. - In: Nicolai Josephi Jacquin: Collectanea ad botanicam, chemiam, et historiam naturalem spectantia, cum figuris. Vol. II.. Vindobonae, Ex Officina Wappleriana, pp. 112-234. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 537]
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  • Forster, G. 1789: Fasciculus Plantarum Magellanicarum: oblatus societati in ipso consessu sollennium Academiae Georgiae Augustae semisaecularium. - Commentationes Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis 9: 13-45. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 916]
    Abstract: [New: Lichen berberinus G.Forst.]
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  • Acharius,E 1794: Försok till en förbättrada Lafvarnes indelning (Dianome Lichenum). - \Nova Acta Reg. Acad. Sci. Holmiae XV: 237-259. [Mattick Rec.# 33149]
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  • Acharius,E 1794: Nya och mindre kända Svenska Lafarter, beskrifne in:. - \Nova Acta Reg. Acad. Sci. Holmiae 15: 81-103, 176-195. [Mattick Rec.# 33890]
    Keywords: SWEDEN
    Abstract: pl. II, III, VI
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  • Anon. 1794: Anmeldese om Vünsteen-Lav (Lichen tartareus). - Physicalsk, oeconomisk og medicochirurgisk Bibliothek for Danmark og Norge\ II: 162-164. [Mattick Rec.# 34617]
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  • Acharius,E 1795: Anmärkningar och förbättringar vid afhandlingen om Lafvarnes indelning infoerd uit desse Handlingars 4: de Quartal foer ar 1794. - \Kongl. Vetensk. Akad. Nya Handl. 1795: 66-71. [Mattick Rec.# 31954]
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  • Acharius,E 1795: Nya och mindre kända Svenska Laf-arter, beskrifne (Vite Fortsaettning). - \Kongl. Vetensk. Akad. Nya Handl. 16: 3-21, 127-142, 207-215. [Mattick Rec.# 31953]
    Keywords: SWEDEN
    Abstract: pl. I, V, VII, VIII
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  • Acharius,E 1796: Anmärkningar rörande Laf-arterne. - \Nova Acta Reg. Acad. Sci. Holmiae 17: 206-210. [Mattick Rec.# 34079]
    Keywords: MORPHOLOGY
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  • Acharius,E 1797: Nya och mindre kända Svenska Lafarter, beskrifne in:. - \Nova Acta Reg. Acad. Sci. Holmiae 18: 11-133, 193-218, 257-298. [Mattick Rec.# 33891]
    Keywords: SWEDEN
    Abstract: pl. IX, XI
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  • Räuschel, E.A. 1797: Nomenclator botanicus omnes plantas: ab illustr. Carolo a Linné descriptas aliisque botanicis temporis recentioris detectas enumerans (editio tertia). - Lipsiae. 414 pp. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 899]
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  • Abbot,C 1798: Flora Bedfordiensis. - \Bedford. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33499]
    Keywords: GREAT BRITAIN
    Abstract: 6 tab. col.
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  • Acharius,E 1798: Lichenographiae suecicae prodromus. - \Linköping. i-xxiv, 1-264 pp. [Mattick Rec.# 31955]
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  • Wibel, A.W.E.C. 1799: Primitiae Florae Werthemensis. - Jena. 1-372 pp. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 896]
    Keywords: PATELLARIA
    Abstract: [New: Patellaria atra (Huds.) Wibel, Patellaria caesiorufa Wibel, Patellaria citrina (Hoffm.) Wibel, Patellaria cupularis (Hedw.) Wibel, Patellaria faginea (L.) Wibel, Patellaria muscorum (Hoffm.) Wibel, Patellaria subfusca (L.) Wibel, Patellaria tumidula (Sm.) Wibel, Verrucaria aurantia (Pers.) Wibel]
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  • Acharius,E 1801: Nya och mindre kända Svenska Lafarter, beskrifne in:. - \Nova Acta Reg. Acad. Sci. Holmiae 22: 157.168, 339-350. [Mattick Rec.# 33892]
    Keywords: SWEDEN
    Abstract: pl. III, IV.
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  • Acharius,E 1803: Methodus qua omnes detectos lichenes secundum organa carpomorpha ad genera, species et varietates redigere atque observationibus illustrare tentavit Erik Acharius (Methodus Lichenum). Cum tab. aen. - \Stockholm. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 30921]
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  • Acharius,E 1803: Supplementum species quamplures novas descriptas nec non observationes varias complectens, quod praeviae suae Methodo Lichenum adjunxit Auctor (S. A. et L.). - \Lipsiae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33254]
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  • Acharius,E 1804: Beiträge zum Methodus Lichenum. - Weber et Mohr Archiv für die systematische Naturgeschichte\ I: 83-110. [Mattick Rec.# 33255]
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  • Acharius,E 1804: Vertheidigung gegen die ihm von Weber et Mohr (Naturhistorische Reise durch einen Theil von Schweden pag. 79-93) bezüglich seines Flechtensystems gemachten Einwürfe, nebst ihren Gegenerinnerungen. Auch Beiträge zum Methodus Lichenum. - Weber et Mohr Archiv für die systematische Naturgeschichte\ I: 81-110. [Mattick Rec.# 33154]
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  • Albertini,J B ab;Schweinitz,L D a 1805: Conspectus fungorum in agro Lusatiae superioris Niskiensi crescentium. - \Lipsiae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33910]
    Keywords: GERMANY
    Abstract: includes some lichens
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  • Saint-Hilaire, J 1805: Exposition des familles naturelles et de la germination des plantes. Vol. I.. - Paris. 512 pp. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 694]
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  • Acharius,E 1806: Arthonia, novum genus Lichenum - Arthonia, ett nytt slägte med flere arter bland Lichenerne, beskrifning med fig. - \Neues J. Bot. 1: 1-23. [Mattick Rec.# 31943]
    Keywords: ARTHONIA
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  • Acharius,E 1808: Förteckning pa de i Sverige växande arter af Lafvarnes famille. - \Nova Acta Reg. Acad. Sci. Holmiae XXIX - XXXII (1808-1811): XXIX(1808): 125-132, 228-237, 259-283; XXX(1809): 97-102, 145-169; XXXI(1810): 66-75, 137-159, 209-234, 288-309; XXXII(1811): 102-128.. [Mattick Rec.# 33653]
    Keywords: SWEDEN
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  • Acharius,E 1809: Förteckning pa de i Sverige växande arter af Lafvarnes famille 4. - \Kongl. Vetensk. Akad. Nya Handl. 30: 97-102. [Mattick Rec.# 31944]
    Keywords: SWEDEN
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  • Acharius,E 1810: Lichenographia Universalis. Cum tab. aen. color. - \Göttingen. 689 pp. [Mattick Rec.# 30922]
    Abstract: p. 1-14: De lichenum partibus et eorum propagatione
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  • Acharius,E 1810: Parmelia pannosa und P. aspratilis. - Weber et Mohr Beiträge zur Naturkunde\ 2: 147-154. [Mattick Rec.# 33810]
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  • Aarflot,S C 1812: Om Fjeldbrot mod Hungersnod, eller om vildvexende Planter, Geitnaskov og Mariagraes. - \Egset. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 34624]
    Keywords: NUTRITION\USE
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  • Acharius,E 1812: Anmärkningar vid Laf-Släget Thelotrema, med noga bestämmande af dess arter. - \Nova Acta Reg. Acad. Sci. Holmiae XXXIII: 79-95. [Mattick Rec.# 33812]
    Keywords: THELOTREMA
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  • Acharius,E 1812: Monographie der Lichenen Gattung Pyrenula. - \Magazin Gesellsch. Naturforsch. Freunde zu Berlin 6: 3-25. [Mattick Rec.# 33813]
    Keywords: PYRENULA
    Abstract: 2 pl.
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  • Anon. 1812: Om Vinstenlav og nogle andre Lavarter, deres Voxested, Indsamlingsted og Tilberedelde til Farrestof. - Handels og Industritende\ 33: . [Mattick Rec.# 34626]
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  • Frege, C.A. 1812: Deutsches botanisches Taschenbuch, für Liebhaber der deutschen Pflanzenkunde, nach Hoffmann, Roth, Persoon, Batsch etc. bearbeitet. Zweiter Theil. Verborgen-eheilische (kryptogamische) Gewächse. - Zeiz: Wilhelm Webel. 520 pp. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 926]
    Keywords: GERMANY
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  • Lamarck, J B P A M de/ Poiret, J L M 1813: Encyclopédie Méthodique. Botanique. Supplément, Tome III.. - Paris, Agasse. 1-780 pp. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 812]
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  • Acharius,E 1814: Synopsis methodica lichenum, sistens omnes hujus ordinis naturalis detectas plantas, quas, secundum genera, species et varietates disposuit, characteribus et differentiis emendatis definivit, nec non synonymis et observationibus selectis illustravit auctor. - \Lund. 392 pp. [Mattick Rec.# 30923]
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  • Acharius, E. 1815: Usneae generis novae species quas descripsit et adumbravit. - Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Sci. Upsal. 7: 188-194. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 549]
    Abstract: Usnea jamaicensis, U. ceratina, U. cornicularia, U. gracilis, U. longissima
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  • Acharius,E 1815: Afhandling om de cryptogamiske Vexter, som komma under namn av Calicioidea, Första Stycket. - Acta Reg. Acad. Scient. Holm.\ 1815: 246-271. [Mattick Rec.# 33814]
    Keywords: CALICIALES
    Abstract: Tab. VI.
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  • Acharius,E 1816: Afhandling om de cryptogamiske Vexter, som komma under namn av Calicioidea, Andra Stycket. - Acta Reg. Acad. Scient. Holm.\ 1816: 260-291. [Mattick Rec.# 33815]
    Keywords: CALICIALES
    Abstract: Tab. VIII
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  • Acharius,E 1817: Afhandling om de cryptogamiske Vexter, som komma under namn av Calicioidea, Tredje Stycket. - Acta Reg. Acad. Scient. Holm.\ 1817: 220-244. [Mattick Rec.# 33816]
    Keywords: CALICIALES
    Abstract: Tab. VIII
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  • Acharius,E 1817: Glyphis and Chiodecton, two new genera of the Family of Lichenes, with Descriptions and Figures of the Species hitherto discovered. - \Trans. Linn. Soc. XII: 35-47. [Mattick Rec.# 33820]
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  • Acharius,E 1817: Monographia generis Trypethelii. - \Acta Soc. Phytogr. Moscov. V: 174. [Mattick Rec.# 33817]
    Keywords: TRYPETHELIUM
    Abstract: tab. 8
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  • Floerke,H G 1819: Deutsche Lichenen gesammelt und mit Anmerkungen herausgegeben. 4. Lieferung, no. 61-80. - Rostock. - pp. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 623]
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  • Berchtold, B.V./ PResl, J.S. 1820: O Přirozenosti Rostlin, aneb Rostlinář. - W Praze, K dostánj u K.W. Endersa. 322 pp. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 920]
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  • Agardh,C A 1821: Aphorismi botanici. - \Lundae. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33159]
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  • Dufour, J.M.L. 1821: RÃ%A9vision des Genres Cladonia, Scyphophorus, Helopodium et Baeomyces de la Flore FranÃ%A7aise. - Annales GÃ%A9nÃ%A9rales des Sciences Physiques 8: 41-73. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 882]
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  • Sprengel,C 1821: Species plantarum minus cognitae. - Sprengel's neuen Entdeckungen im ganzen Umfange der Pflanzenkunde 2: 95-98. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 511]
    Abstract: Lecidea parasitica, L. badioatra (= Rhizocarpon badioatrum), L. wallrothii (= Trapeliopsis wallrothii), Lecidea tessellata, Limboria stictica, Lecanora spodoxantha, L. caesiella, L. nigricans, Cornicularia berterii
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  • Audouin;Brogniart;De Candolle;Ferusac 1822-1831: Dictionaire classique d'histoire naturelle. 17 vols.; atlas de 160 plchs. - \Paris. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33256]
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  • Aspegren,G C 1823: Försök till en Blekingsk Flora. Carlskrona 1823. - : . [Mattick Rec.# 33656]
    Keywords: SWEDEN
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  • Brown, R 1823: Chloris Melvilliana. A list of Plants collected in Melvill Island, in the year of 1820; by the officers of the voyage discovery under the orders of Captain Parry. - London. 1-52 pp. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 887]
    Abstract: [New: Borrera aurantiaca sp. nov., Usnea sphacelata sp. nov.]
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  • Acharius,E 1826: Glyphis et Chiodecton, genera duo nova Lichenum. - Jsis von Oken\ 1826: 30, 37. [Mattick Rec.# 33829]
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  • Anon. 1826: Orseille-Fabrikation. - \Archiv histor. et statist. 1826: 221. [Mattick Rec.# 34158]
    Keywords: ORCHIL
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  • Schaerer, LE 1828: Lichenum Helveticorum Spicilegium, Sectio Tertia. - Bernæ. 101-156 pp. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 622]
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  • Sommerfelt, S.C. 1828: Bemærkninger paa en botanisk Excursion til Bergens Stift (fortsættelse). - Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne 1828 (1): 1-33. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 543]
    Keywords: NORWAY
    Abstract: Final part of Sommerfelt's report on his journey to western Norway in 1827. Some lichens mentioned. In Norwegian
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  • Zenker, J.C. 1829: Kryptogamische Parasiten auf officinellen Rinden. - Pharmaceutische Waarenkunde mit illuminirten Kupfern 1: 109-200. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 935]
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  • Alms 1832: Ueber einen neuen Stoff in der Variolaria amara Ach. - \Ann. Chem. Pharm. 1: 61-68. [Mattick Rec.# 34169]
    Abstract: on picrolichenin
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  • Burnett, G.T. 1835: Lichenales, Outlines of Algologia. - Outlines of botany, including a general history of the vegetable kingdom, in which plants are arranged according to the system of natural affinities 1: i-viii, 1-518. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 919]
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  • Anon. 1840: Iceland, Greenland and Färö. - Edinburgh Cabinet Library\ : 377. [Mattick Rec.# 34467]
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  • Decaisne, J. 1844: Plantae rariores, quas in India orientali collegit Victor Jacquemont. - Voyage dans l'Inde, par Victor Jacquemont, pendant les années 1828 à 1832 4(3): 57-183, tab. 69-180. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 922]
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  • Schaerer, LE 1849: Lichenum Europaeorum genera ex utraque methodo. artificiali et naturali, digesta. - Flora (Regensburg)\Flora 32: 289-299. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 77]
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  • Agassiz,L 1850: Lake Superior: its Physical Character, Vegetation and Animals. With a narrative of the tour by J. Elliot Cabot. - \Boston. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 33764]
    Keywords: USA
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  • Bosch, R.B. van den 1853: Plantae cellulares. Lichenes, Byssaceae et Algae. - Prodromus Florae Batavae 2(2): 117-301. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 954]
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  • Hepp, P 1853: Die Flechten Europas. 1. Band. - Zürich. - pp. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 625]
    Abstract: Exsiccate. No. 1-56.
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  • Leighton,W A 1854: Monograph of the British Graphideae [2]. - Annals and Magazine of Natural History ser. 2, 13(75): 202-212. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 749]
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  • Leighton,W A 1854: Monograph of the British Graphideae [3]. - Annals and Magazine of Natural History ser. 2, 13(76): 264-279. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 750]
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  • Leighton,W A 1854: Monograph of the British Graphideae [4]. - The Annals and Magazine of Natural History ser. 2, 13(77): 387-395. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 751]
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  • Leighton,W A 1854: Monograph of the British Graphideae [5]. - The Annals and Magazine of Natural History ser. 2, 13(78): 436-446. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 752]
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  • Anon. 1856: Notiz über eine sonderbare erratische Parmelia (recently found by him in Dorsetshire). - Gardeners Chronicle\Gardeners Chron. 1856: . [Mattick Rec.# 34009]
    Keywords: GREAT BRITAIN
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  • Anon. 1856: Notiz über eine sonderbare erratische Parmelia (recently found by him in Dorsetshire). - Scottish Gardener\ 3: 100. [Mattick Rec.# 34010]
    Keywords: GREAT BRITAIN
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  • Leighton,W A 1856: Monograph of the British Umbilicariae. - The Annals and Magazine of Natural History (London) ser. 2, 18(106): 273-297, pl. X. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 747]
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  • Lindsay, WL 1856: On the genus Abrothallus, De Nrs. - Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 1856: 88-90. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 261]
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  • Opiz, PM 1856: Lichenologische Nachträge zur meinem Seznam rostlin Kveteny ceské. - Lotos 6: 155-158. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 72]
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  • Akerman,J 1858: Om utbredningen af lafarten Biatora cinnabarina i Skandinavien. - Öfversigt af kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar Stockholm\Öfvers. kongl. Svenska Vetensk.-Akad. Förhandl. 1857: 333-335. [Mattick Rec.# 34016]
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  • Arnold,F 1858: Die Lichenen des Fränkischen Jura. - Flora (Regensburg)\Flora 41: 81-95, 96-110, 231-242, 250-258, 305-324, 329-337, 473-486, 500-508, 691-702. [Mattick Rec.# 21017]
    Keywords: GERMANY
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  • Arnold,F 1859: Die Lichenen des fränkischen Jura. (Nachträge und Berichtigungen). - Flora (Regensburg)\Flora 42: 145-156. [Mattick Rec.# 31909]
    Keywords: GERMANY
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  • Arnold,F 1859: Lichenes Jurae et aliarum regionum exsiccati. Nr. 1-294. Eichstädt 1859-1865. - : . [Mattick Rec.# 33420]
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  • Anon. 1860: Notiz über die Zerstörung des Bitterstoffes der isländischen Flechte. - Erdmann's Journal für praktische Chemie\ 82: 456. [Mattick Rec.# 34224]
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  • Anzi,M 1860: Catalogus lichenum quos in provincia Sondriensi collegit et ordinavit et in ordinem systematicum digessit presbyter M. Anzi. - Tip. C. Franchi\Novi-Comi. 126 pp. [Mattick Rec.# 30927]
    Keywords: ITALY
    [E-mail correction] [Upload PDF/URL] [ET: 3421]

  • Arnold,F 1860: Die Lichenen des fränkischen Jura. - Flora (Regensburg)\Flora 43: 66-80. [Mattick Rec.# 31910]
    Keywords: GERMANY
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  • Boissier, E & Buhse, F. 1860: Aufzaehlung der auf einer Reise durch Transkaukasien und Persien gesammelten Pflanzen. - Nouv. Mem. Soc. Imp. Natural. Moscou 12: 1-245. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 300]
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  • Andersson,M 1861: Enumeratio plantarum in insulis Galapagensibus hucusque observatorum. - In: : Kongliga svenske Fregatten Eugenies Resa omkring Jorden, under Befael of C. A. Virgen, Aren 1851-1853. . \Stockholm, pp. . [Mattick Rec.# 33768]
    Abstract: 114 pp.
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  • Anon. 1861: Notiz über die Bereitung der Orseille. - Erdmann's Journal für praktische Chemie\ 84: 123. [Mattick Rec.# 34225]
    Keywords: ORCHIL
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  • Anzi,M 1861: Lichenes rariores Longobardi exsicati. Fasc. I-XI. Nr. 1-451. Novi-Comi 1861-1865. - \. pp. [Mattick Rec.# 23159]
    Keywords: EXSICCAT\ITALY
    Abstract: corrections by Nylander in Flora 1863, Nr. 5.
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  • Arnold,F 1861: Die Lichenen bei Hüting in Schwaben. - \Jahresber. Naturhist. Ver. Augsburg 14: 56-64. [Mattick Rec.# 33393]
    Keywords: GERMANY
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  • Arnold,F 1861: Die Lichenen des fränkischen Jura. - Flora (Regensburg)\Flora 44: 241-250, 257-268. [Mattick Rec.# 31911]
    Keywords: GERMANY
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  • Arnold,F 1861: Lichenes britannici exsiccati. Herausgegeben von Rev. W.A. Leighton, nach Massalongo's System zusammengestellt. - Flora (Regensburg)\Flora 44: 435-443, 465-472, 497-507, 534-539, 656-671, 673-679, 697-704, 721-725, 755-756. [Mattick Rec.# 21018]
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  • Rabenhorst, L 1861: Lichenes Europaei exsiccati, fasc. 22. - Neustadt - Dresden. - pp. [RLL Suppl. Rec.# 621]
    Keywords: EXSICCATA
    Abstract: No. 599 - 624
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  • Anzi,M 1862: Lichenes Etruriae exsiccati. I Fasc., Nr. 1-53. Novi-Comi 1863. - : . [Mattick Rec.# 33584]
    Keywords: EXSICCAT\ITALY
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  • Anzi,M 1862: Manipulus Lichenum rariorum vel novorum quos in Longobardia et Etruria collegit et enumeravit. - Commentario della societa crittogamologica Italiana\Comment. Soc. Crittog. Ital. 1: 130-166. [Mattick Rec.# 33045]
    Keywords: ITALY
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  • Arnold,F 1862: Die Lichenen des fränkischen Jura. I. Kieselflora. - Flora (Regensburg)\Flora 45: 305-313. [Mattick Rec.# 31913]
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  • Arnold,F 1862: Die Lichenen des fränkischen Jura. II. Kalkflora. - Flora (Regensburg)\Flora 45: 380-384. [Mattick Rec.# 31912]
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