[Introduction] [Instructions] [Search form] [Database format]

Instructions and Help

General instructions
  • Enter a value in the field(s) you want to match in the corresponding field(s) in the database. A match is required in all fields that are filled in (i.e., there is an AND-relation between the fields). Empty search form fields will not be considered during the search.
  • To speed up the search, use the right index: Set the index on species if you want to search for a species, on county/municipality when searching for a geographical unit, on date when searching for a year.
  • When searching for a specific date (year), you have to fill in the same year in both date fields (in or after and in or before). Remember also to exclude undated records.
  • Search for text string means that the entered characters may match anywhere in the corresponding database field (locality/ecology/host, comment and collector field). In all other fields a complete match is required.
  • In text string-fields, two or more alternative values (OR-relations) in one search form field are allowed. The values must be separated by a vertical bar ("|"). Example: You may search simultaneously for four persons in the collector field by entering, e.g., "Sommerfelt|Norman|Lynge|Dahl".
  • Multiple values (OR-relations) are not allowed in a single search form field.
  • The search is case insensitive, i.e. you may enter values in either lowercase or UPPERCASE.
  • Scandinavian and German letters are supported.
  • Reporting of errors: If you find an error in the database, please send us an e-mail. If you report an error on a specific record, please use the record/accession number as record identifier in your message (e.g. O-F51577).
  • Label information:
  • The most appropriate format to view label information is the label format. All information from the original label is listed for each record. A legend is included in every search result.
  • Some statistical numbers are included at the bottom of each search result: Number of hits shown/number of hits total. In addition, number of records in database, latest update of the complete database and most recent editing date for the records shown is printed here.
  • Map production:
  • Choose map format. You can produce maps for any possible search criterium (e.g. a certain species or genus, collector(s), red listed species, ecological factors, and so forth).
  • Map colours: Rivers and lakes are drawn in blue, coast lines and national borders in black, county borders in red and municipality borders in violet. To view the municipality borders you have to zoom in the map.
  • Scale: The scale is expressed relatively to full country map. The length of the baseline of the map is given for each scale.
  • Map symbols: The default colour setting is altitude. Choose any of the alternatives listed below the map. Click on "Set new" to change the colour setting. The meaning of symbol shape and colour is explained elsewhere.
  • Zoom: The map is zoomable. Choose order of magnification at the bottom of the page. The map is centred around the cursor when clicking on the map.
  • List records: It is possible to view the records that make up each dot on the map. Choose appropriate radius around the cursor at the bottom of the page. Then click on the dot that you are interested in.
  • NB: Some combinations of search criteria may lead to an abortion of the map generating process due to a bug in the program (Ghostscript). You will then receive the following message after some minutes: "Documents contains no data!". Try another combination of search criteria.
  • Other formats:
  • Field delimited: Download of label data in a field delimited database format (all fields in the database, ascii text). For download of data into private databases. No maximum number of records - careful when downloading! More information elsewhere.
  • NIJOS format: Download of data in a special exchange format (tab-delimited ascii text of selected fields) in co-orporation with the Norwegian Institute of Land Inventory (NIJOS). For future use in public administration and nature management. No maximum number of records - careful when downloading!

  • Updated 2005-03-29